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In what situation is lying a good idea?
Of course constantly lying is bad, everybody knows that. But,
there are many situations where lying can get you out of some bad stuff. Some examples are: when you need to preserve yourself, another is when you’re helping yourself out. A third is when you’re making a simple white lie. A fourth is to protect others.

A: When your friend or relative’s feelings are involved
R: Sure, timmy’s dad made better food than his mom but he needs to tell her that her food was wonderful, so he doesnt to hurt his mom’s feelings.
E: it’s quick and easy, and he didn’t have to hurt her feelings at all. Timmy and his mom would be in a win-win situation. Sure, timmy might feel bad, but he would have felt worse if he saw the hurt face of his mother’s when he tells her that dad cooks better.
I: Nobody gets hurt and timmy’s mom feels good.

A: When you need to make a white lie
R: When you need to deny that you did something bad, and you don’t want to be guilty of doing it. (EX: Stepping on an important project that isn’t yours)
E: Who would want to be accused for stepping on a school board (on the floor) by a classmate? Timmy, again wouldn’t want to. He can simply say that he didn’t (if he wasn’t caught, that is), and possibly help out fix the project to make up for the guilt that probably overcame him.
I: Even though it may make you feel guilty, it gets you out of things, and that’s that.

A: When you need to help yourself out
R: So Timmy is feeling a little annoyed/frustrated, and he doesnt want his parents babying him after they find out. I mean, who actually does like to be babied?
E: Simply saying, he can say that he is fine and or okay, and most likely the parents would leave him alone.
I: Sure it’s nice to have somebody to talk to, but Timmy might want time alone, and to himself.
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