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Mrs. Karim
H.S. Writer’s Workshop
12 November 2018
My umbrella was hanging over my head sideways as my feet slowly scrunched up the fresh snow. The cloudy sky was filled with a dark gray. As the snowflakes drifted and danced down towards the white carpet of land, my boots made prints. Suddenly, I heard a rustle next to the path I was on. I turned around, checked left and right, but I found nothing. Shrugging it off, I continued walking to the church.
Soon enough, I saw the church up ahead. I closed my umbrella while shaking off excess snow. As I arrived, the doorman greeted me.
“Hey Sam! Where’s your buddy?” He questioned.
Confused, I replied, “What buddy are you talking about?”
“Someone rang my doorbell last night and told me you were bringing a friend to this meeting”
“Oh. I never planned to bring any friends,” I pondered. He shrugged and opened the door, then waved for me to walk in. When I entered the room, there were only a few seats left and the discussion about our city’s weather had already begun. The best I could do for now is to listen.
Eventually, a person dressed in full black sat right next to me. I wondered how he got in, as only people that were invited could come in. I couldn’t tell what he looked like either because his horrific huge hat shaded his whole face. Everybody stared at him because he brought a shovel. Just a few moments after he arrived, he went outside again, and didn’t come back for a while. When the meeting was almost over, the roof dented. The stillness in the room suddenly became so immense, it was as quiet a testing room. Finally, the ceiling collapsed, and snow, ice, and dirt all came down upon the people. I rushed out of the building, along with many other fleeing souls. Although I ran out, I never ran away. I located the black suit man shoveling more snow into the gaping hole. The shovel was a tractor, plowing snow and grass through the roof.
I ran up to the man and shoved my umbrella deep into his stomach. I heard the ‘spelch’ as the blood came oozing out. The man resisted but I kept smacking him in the face and his back. We were a strangling mess as we fought each other.
“Why did you stop me?” asked the man.
“It was for the good of the community!” I exclaimed, ready to finish him.
“I didn’t know this is how you treated family,” the man finally whispered as I struck him in the head as hard as I could. Breathing heavily, I took his hat off and put his hood down. I then gasped at the fact that I just killed my own brother.
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