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So…there was a cat one day who was abandoned by his mother. Being a cat, he had to learn by himself to hunt and survive. One day, he met a goddess of some sort-- a cat goddess who was able to speak! the cat was for-sure frightened but in the end, stayed there as his tail swayed side-to-side slowly and listening with intent. She had said ''I can grant you powers but in order for me to do so, you will swear loyalty to me and be my royal guard where you will be sent on missions to protect the cat kingdom from evil.'' The cat, being confused reluctantly agreed. He thought he had maybe drunk a little too much milk and wasn’t thinking correctly. The goddess smiled ‘’Very good! I’m going to transport you to the magical cat kingdom,” saying that, she touched the cat’s head with a sword and he was then deemed a knight by her. After this very short ceremony, the cat passed out.
The cat woke up in a house! He was certainly confused and surprised buy assumed that someone just picked him up since he assumed that he passed out from all the excess milk he was drinking, along with the catnip he was eating. Then, he noticed something… something peculiar. He got up on his two legs—two legs?!?! He gasped and attempted to meow but it came out as a scream—a human scream? He had human legs and everything! He looked at his arms, body and…other parts of his body to see that they were all human. The once cat was not a man in every shape, way & even form. The servants came in the male’s room and brought him clothes as he was nude. He blushed and covered his parts, even having gasped but then realized that the servants had no reaction at all. They left the clothes on the table and left the room, the man quickly got dressed in…some sort of high-class medieval era style suit. The ‘goddess’ who was revealed to be the princess of the kingdom, quite literally called the cat kingdom for some odd reason entered the room he was staying in. She looked at him briefly and a cocky grin molded its way on her face “Welcome! I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself but you must be very confused so let’s save the names and such for later, this is the cat kingdom! I am princess here. Anyways, let’s get down to business shall we? Follow me.” The man began to follow the princess down the royal hall where she began to explain everything “See, I appear in front of poor, lost, abandoned felines who will accept my deal. You are then humanized and transported to here—this magical kingdom which is basically an alternate reality. That’s enough information for now, my name is Princess Lilith the 4th but you can call my Lilly, what’s your name?” The male looked…confused, name? he had none and even if he did have an he didn’t know it. He looked at the Princess, perplexed and lost “I…don’t have a name,” the female frowned and sighed “I suppose I’ll have to give you one… well, let’s see…” She placed her finger on her chin and pondered for a while before seemingly having a switch turned on, her eyes widening as well as the grin on her face, “I’ll call you Tempest! Your full name is now Tempest Storm, Knight Storm! But... I’ll call you Tempest since it’s shorter.”
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