Prism - In PPS log, check if the Debit transaction show “failure” or “success”. Sample : Notes">

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Where is my Order Pre-Processed / Declined Prism ">Prism - In PPS log, check if the Debit transaction show “failure” or “success”. Sample View below:

>Prism - Order date/time – check if the order placed within 48hrs or crossed 48hrs. Sample View below:" "If PPS TX failure / Cx contacts within 48 hours
Inform customer that we haven’t received the payment. It might have got stuck in the gateway. Request to wait for 48hrs for the amount to be reversed automatically.
If PPS TX failure / Cx contacts post 48 hours
Inform customer that the money is not received by Myntra. Request customer to check with the bank.

In case customer disputes that amount is debited but still not reversed inspite of ""Void_Not_Executed/TX_Success"", then request for bank statement till date from the transaction date and raise ""OR - Transaction failed"" task in Rightnow by attaching the same.
If PPS TX Success / Cx contacts within or post 48hrs
Inform Customer that refund is initiated and 7-10 days (Immediate if its gift card) for the amount to reflect in the bank.
Click here for KB article (link 268)
" "Skills you may use:
Empathize, apologise and assure the customer that these are one off case/exception and it is in our best interest to process orders efficiently. Ensure that we will definitely look into this so that such instances do not occur with future orders.

Check for bank details in Prism and verify the same with customer, if available. Advise the customer to check accordingly with the same mode of payment post 48hrs."
Where is my Order WIP / Packed Status "Prism
KB" ">Prism - Check if order is “Marketplace” or “Non-marketplace” order. Sample View Below:

>Prism - Check for logistic and WH details in Prism and look for related updates in KB, if any. Prism Sample View below:

>KB – WH updates" "In case of any WH update in KnowledgeBase, share same with the customer
For Non-Marketplace order:
If order is in same status (WIP or Packed) for more than 24hrs, raise task: “WH and Logistics – WIP/Packed more than 24hrs”. Provide task TAT to the customer.
For Marketplace Order:
-If order is in WIP within 5BD, inform the customer about the order procurement process and TAT for the same.

-If order is in WIP for more than 5BD, the cancellation will be initiated automatically. Champion should not cancel the order. Inform customer that after 5BD, as the vendor fails to supply the order, it might get cancelled. Customers will be notified accordingly.

-If order is in “Packed” for more than 48-72hrs, raise task: “Marketplace - WH and Logistics – WIP/Packed more than 72hrs”. And provide task TAT to the customer.
Click Here for KB Article (Link article search: 520/256)" "Skills you may use:
Empathize, apologise and assure the customer that these are one off case/exception and it is in our best interest to dispatch orders at the earliest.
Assure that such instance will not occur in future orders.

Where is my Order On-Hold KB Article 260 Article 260 Article 260 - Link article 260
Where is my Order Cancelled Prism "Check in Prism for reason code (Sample View Below):
-CC Cancellation
-Customer request
-QC failed
-Vendor failed to supply

If Online Order (pre-paid) check in PPS log – for transaction/refund status:

" "Advise customer about the cancellation reason from Prism (based on reason code)

If any payment made Online/Wallet/Gift Card/Loyalty Points, provide refund status from PPS log about the same and provide TAT accordingly.

**For Cancellation due to ""Out of stock"" / ""Vendor failed to supply"", advise the customer about Goodwill coupon issued, if any. Check in Order comments or Coupon section for issued coupon.

Click Here for KB Article (link article search for 283 / 456 )" "Skills you might use:
In case of Cancellation OOS/vendor fail to supply, acknowledge with empathy, apology and advise that this is an exceptional case. Assure that we will do our best to ensure that such instances do not occur in future.
Proactively provide refund status if applicable.
Proactively check for product availability and advise to place a fresh order, if available.
Offer to help finding similar products."
Where is my Order Shipped "Prism /
3PL tracking website" "In Prism check for:
-Actual Promised Date
-Order Comments for any rescheduling
-Delivery details to check order location (DC/in-transit) and delivery attempts

Track in 3PL website (if courier is 3PL and no update in Prism)

" "If within Actual Promised Date
• Check for delivery attempts.
If any attempts made and customer disputes, raise ""delivery dispute task"".
• Check for order comments and check if there is any rescheduling. Advise the customer accordingly and provide assurance.
• If not rescheduled or attempted, advise APD and request customer to wait till APD.
If crossed Actual Promised Date
• Check for order comments and provide rescheduled TAT, if any.
• If APD or rescheduled date crossed, raise Delayed delivery Task (basis order location for ML/3PL respectively)
3PL courier - If no updates in Prism ""Order Comments"" and ""Delivery details""
Check in 3pl website and inform the status correctly.

Click here for KB article (link search for 235 / 233 / 252)" "Skills you may use:
In case promised date crossed, ensure that you practice empathy and apology effectively.
Assure the customer that this is one off/exception and we attempt our best to deliver the orders at the earliest.

While raising task, appreciate customer's cooperation and patience with us and assure that we are with the customer and will try to get the order delivered at the earliest."
Where is my Order Delivered / Complete Prism "In Prism check for:
Order address

Courier – ML/3PL

" "
• Probe and confirm that the customer is expecting order at the same address.
• Advise customer to check with a neighbor, security or co-residents if they have collected the order on his behalf.
If customer confirms the same as not delivered post confirming above:
- If delivered by ML, download POD from Prism and share it with the customer via email.

- If delivered by 3PL, raise the task ""3PL - POD Required - Disputing Delivery"". Advise the TAT for the same from Rightnow.

Click here for KB article (link search for 244/974)
" "Skills you may use:
Practice empathy if the customer sounds worried. Assure that we will assist them locate the order or do the necessary checks to help them. Be polite, courteous and proactive in confirming information. Be assuring."
Where is my Order RTO Prism "Check in Prism for:
-Delivery details
-Find remark for RTO

-PPS log

-Payment mode" "Advise the customer that the order has been Returned to Origin and provide the reason accordingly from “delivery details” tab.

If pre-paid order, communicate timelines for refund (check in PPS log, if initiated already).
" "Skills you may use:
Empathy and apology.
Check for contact details to ensure that no wrong information was provided in the order.

Assure that we always try to deliver the orders without fail. However, in exceptional cases some orders don’t get delivered. Sometimes the reason is that we are not able to reach our customers and such orders are returned.
Check if the product is available. Check if refund is made, any coupon is issued. Advise customer to place a fresh order and offer help doing the same."
Where is my Order Lost Prism "Check in Prism:
-Delivery details
-PPS log (for Prepaid order). Sample View below:

" "Communicate the below:

“I am sorry to inform you that, order could not be traced and unfortunately, we will not be able to deliver the order. Hence, we were forced to mark the order as 'Lost'.

Any payment made towards the order has been refunded to your source account (As per payment mode used)

Any coupons used on the order has also been refunded to your account with an absolute value and you can view the same under 'My Myntra' > 'Coupons'.”

(for pre-paid order) From PPS log, advise refund TAT accordingly.

Click here for KB article (link article 259)" "Skills you may use:
Empathy / apology.
Assure that we attempt to avoid such cases and hence such cases might not be repeated. Proactive check for any refunds (if prepaid). Check for product availability and request customer to place a fresh order. Offer assistance with the same."

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