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God's perfect timing: When I asked Him what time we should talk, I felt like He said 10:30 AM EST. I had forgotten about daylight savings, but everything worked out perfectly. I was planning on recording the phone call. However, because I arrived at work by the time we spoke, I had to write things down instead of being able to record. Writing things down while listening to you speak helped me be more hungry for more. I think it would have been difficult to focus if I recorded instead of writing. Because God allowed me to focus and be more hungry, He was able to give me more.

1. You said something about how much God enjoys my songs to Him and how He sees my faithfulness: I was reading Psalm 37, which talks about cultivating faithfulness. I was wondering how to cultivate faithfulness, but based on the word you gave me, I learned that a lifestyle of worship is one of the ways we cultivate faithfulness. The LORD is giving me more revelation as I write this haha :) The link between worship and our faithfulness is the following: 1) Worship reminds us of God's faithfulness; 2) faithfulness has less to do with our faithfulness and more to do with God's faithfulness; 3) worship helps us to see, proclaim, and focus our attention on God's faithfulness. => This all helps us to be faithful. We love God because He FIRST loved us. Similarly, we are faithful to God because He was faithful to us FIRST. Therefore, more of God's faithfulness = more of our faithfulness. However, God is already infinitely faithful. Accessing more of God's faithfulness doesn't mean that God becomes more faithful; it just means we grow in our understanding of, acknowledgement of, and gratitude for it. And worship helps us to do all that :)
2. You said something about being a transparent channel for God to show and revel who He is because there aren't that many blocking things between me and God: The word "transparent" really stood out to me because I've been thinking about sharing about how God worked in my life and delivered me of my sin, but I wasn't sure about it. Hearing "transparent" was really touching as an encouragement to be transparent about His work in my life :)
3. You said something about how there will come a time when I will already know what He wants me to do without me asking questions. I think Kris Vallotton talks about how women reveal 50% of God's character. One day in DC, I had lunch with two of my coworkers and asked them about their relationships with their significant others. During our conversation, they explained how women want their men to do things without having to be asked and how the asking takes away from some of the "magic" because a man doing something without being asked shows that the intimacy between the two is strong enough that he will know what she wants. It also shows that the man is being considerate and thinking about things from her perspective. In the prophetic movement right now, I feel like the Church is learning a lot about how to hear from God and obey what He tells us. However, as the Holy Spirit brings the Church into a fuller manifestation of her identity as the Bride of Christ, I think it is so precious and important that we learn how to do things not because He tells us to or because we look to Him for instructions like a servant looks to his master, but because we know what's on His heart, which moves us because we are His Bride. As I write this, I feel the weight of the LORD telling me that this is something that is so precious to Him. I feel like this type of relationship with Christ is a precious and thus costly place to be. He knows how much He is asking of us for those things in His heart. In John 15:14, Christ tells us that we are His friends if we do what He commands us. But the place of giving our Yes to His heart is greater than the place of friendship because it isn't about obeying commands. It surpasses obedience to commands and is more precious because it requires more death to self.
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