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Pubg community managers from hong kong, tai wan, macao
+interviewer did a podcast
podcast was removed (viewer sent me the link to clips of podcast but it was mainly in chinese)
I also saw on reddit that PlayerIGN (a popular dataminer) made a video/reddit post about these leaked for patch 24 so I want to give credit to him because his video has many upvotes on reddit and he translated some of hte information on the podcast(check out his channel in the description)
I am just going to cover the information on the snow map that was discussed in the podcast
this video because they talked about a lot
so make sure to turn on the noti bell and sub to be notified when I post my next video on these updates and information
-the community manages said they are aiming to release the snow map on experimental servers before dec 31
-2 different types of weather modes (my guess would be night mode and maybe a snow storm)
-snow footprints were confirmed (doesnt mention how long the footprints will stay on the ground, hopefully not forever)
-vehivles will leave tracks in the snow aswell (might be other ways to track people aswell)
-new vehicles specific to snowmap (maybe snowmobile? no confirmations on what type of vehicle) availible on most guns (all guns that it is possible to have on)

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Regards; Team

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