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hey cyrus
what's up?

did you check your grades?
Yep, you?

Yeah. Did you pass?
Yep. You?
Chem was pretty screwy though.

I failed out man
dude holy shit

what happened in chem?
wow, man, I'm so sorry.
oh, in chem, I got a C.

Were you close to a B?
not that close

You know how I fell asleep for the final? I barely passed and barely got a B in the class
oh lol nice

Even though I was trying to get an A in the class. If I did I would still be in TAMS
aw, man, I'm sorry.

It was a C in lin al that got me. I think the guy gave me a C just for not showing up to class

What was your GPA?
3.45 cumulative, 3.4 this semester

Wow. Nice
I guess. I'm below average though, I think.

I would still be in if I didnt think that 0 times 3x^2 was 3x^2 on the second diff eqs test
oh wow. one question screwed you over? that's harsh, man, I feel you.

Yeah. 5 points off the test is 1.25 points off the final grade

I probably ended up with about an 89.8 in there but he gave me a B cuz hes a douche

Hey cyrus what would you do if you failed out?
I'd go ahead with my summer plans and go back to hs

Really? Parents wont give you any shit?
they will
or would
but you can't put life on hold

My parents are crazy about grades
yeah, mine are kind of strict, but they're not as crazy as some

My parents still think I have a 4.0 right now
oh, really? man.

Yes. I used inspect element in chrome
oh no, man. you can't hide it from them forever.

They'll probably kick me out when they find out

My parents arent even happy I got a "4.0"

Cuz they expect one
what? how?

how what?
how can you get higher than 4.0 for them?

I cant lol. They expect all A's

They'll kill me if i get anything lower than perfect
damn, that's harsh

Yup. I think I might run away before I get kicked out
are you sure they'd kick you out?
they're your parents, man

Of course they'll kick me out. They're asian, and Im a dissapointment to the family
well either way, you can't just run away

Why not? I'd rather quit than get fired
except you'd be homeless

I'd be homeless either way

I can always panhandle for money and get a sketchy 400 a month place on craigslist
uhh you couuld, but you public school is free and you could try to see if your parents will let you live like you used to
I mean, they wouldn't rip up a shirt that had a stain

Nah im sure theyd kick me out. They're like the parents of the kid who got pulled out for getting aa single B
aw, well there's a chance. they might say it just to seem strict, but not follow through.
plus there's probably some sort of legal liability

Remember what happened to sean kothapelly? Thats what happens to asians who disappoint their families.
dude he just got pulled out of tams, not abandoned on the streets.

I lied about my grades last semester so I wouldnt end up like him
oh. well. I don't really know what to say.

Cyrus, I've pretty much already made up my mind to run
If you have any family members you can confide in, you could tell them, but I wouldn't just wait. If you wait, you can't plan for what happens at the end of the summer and you'd be worse off if it comes off as a suprise before you can register for the school year

I've already decided to run cyrus
I. Well. I mean. Idk, but running doesn't sound like the best thing. I've got to go afk for a few min, but I'll get back to you and try to change your mind.

Cyrus, what if i told you that I already have my plane ticket booked?
I'd ask to where.
It's probably more dangerous to run away in unfamiliar territory.

Im not telling anyone. I don't want anyone to try to stop me
oh come on man....

But I will be gone by the end of the month
no, man.

Dude I already made up my mind a week ago. All the money that didnt get burned on Dayna got burned on that plane ticket

Ok, listen. I gotta run in a few seconds, and I'll be back in a few minutes, but please, don't. The decisions you make now will change your future more than decisions you will ever make in the future, just because there are so many pathways to take. I get that you're confused, but think on it for a while and maybe call some other friends to get their opinions on it also.
I'll brb in 10-20 min


tell me when you come back

are you back yet?
Chat Conversation End
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