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All-Might ASMR Script

(The sound of alarms can be heard in the background, chaos is surrounding the scene.)

Villain: (A dark chuckle escapes them.) You U.A. Snot bags are all the same!

(A punch is thrown.)

Villain: Weak!

(Another punch.)

Villain: Pathetic!

(Another punch.)

Villain: Insolent fools!

(Another punch is thrown, this one sending the listener through a brick wall. Rubble starts to fall around the figures as the villain walks over with heavy footsteps. )

Villain: (A dark chuckle comes from them, almost cackling.) You were screwed from the moment they accepted you into that school kid. Don’t you see? You students are nothing but cannon fodder for the real hero’s! You’ll never be like them! You’ll never be as strong! They’ll never let you meet your full potential!

( Suddenly the listener is pulled out from the rubble, the fabric of their costume being gripped tightly, almost threatening to tear. )

Villain: (A soft but malicious chuckle escapes them.) It really is a shame, with those powers of yours, you could have been a tremendous villain, don’t cha think?

(At hearing these words the listener spits in their face in defiance.)

Villain: (In utter rage) Why you utter piece of sh-Huh?

(Suddenly a deep and heroic chuckle fills the air as a great force heads for its target, not noticing the listener.)

All-Might: Detroit Smash!

(The villain slams into a wall as rubble quickly tumbles to the ground, the ground shaking slightly from the impact of the blow.)

Villain: (Weakly, grunting as they pull something out from a bag.) You ain’t seen the last of me you fools!

(Suddenly a metal object is thrown, before it explodes, a smoke bomb going off. Smoke fills the scene and the villain escapes.)

All-might: (Annoyed and coughing as the smoke clears.) Damn it, that’s the second time this week... I can’t keep running after high class villains on my own like this or I’ll - Huh?

(The sound of someone crawling out of rubble is heard.)

All-might: Kid?!

(All-Might runs over before he starts to remove some rubble in a panic.)

All-might: What the hell are you doing here?

( The listener is pulled out of the rubble, but they’ve taken some serious damage from the fight. Slowly they start to black out.)

All-might: Hang In there kid! Don’t black out on me now! Come on, I need you to stay awake! Kid? Kid!

(Everything fades to silence for a few seconds before muffled sounds are heard.)

(The faint beeping of a heart monitor can be heard as the listener slowly regains conciseness. Yagi Toshinori (All-Might) and Recovery Girl can be heard having a conversation close by. )

Recovery Girl: How did they end up in this state? Didn’t I warn you already? You’ve already caused poor Madoria problems, do you really want to drag another student into your messes?

All-might: I promise, for once this wasn’t my fault...

Recovery Girl: Oh?

All-Might: I found them at the scene of a villain attack, full suit and everything...What were they thinking? They’ve not even got a hero’s license...

Recovery Girl: I see...

All-Might: Am I really that useless of a teacher to these children? Are they even going to learn anything with me being a part of this school?

Recovery Girl: All-Might I-

(The sound of fabric moving causes the two to pause their conversation.)

Recovery Girl: Looks like they’re finally waking up...

(Recovery Girl starts to walk away.)

Recovery Girl: Ill leave this to you while I see Principle Nezu.

(She open and closes the door as she leaves.)

All-Might: (A poof is heard as he transforms into his heroic form.)

All-Might: Kid, I know you’re awake, so you may as well face me now rather than later...

All-Might: (He sighs) What were you thinking? Going off after a high class villain like that and on your own with no heroes license? Are you crazy? Do you want to lose your chance of ever being a hero?

All-Might: You’re a student of U.A. and one of my students nonetheless… So please, tell me what’s going on in that head of yours, let me help you…

(The listener tries to indicate that they can’t speak, by sitting up and writing on a piece of paper, before handing it to App-Might.)

All-Might: Hmmm? What’s this?

All-Might:Oh I see, you can’t talk…

All-Might: Well, I suppose you did take quite the beating…

(All-Might pulls a seat closer to the infirmary bed.)

All-Might: very well then, if you can’t talk, You can listen…

All-Might: I want you to understand just why what you did was so dangerous.

All-Might: That villain you were trying to catch was no common shoplifter, heroes who have been in the business for years can’t even catch them. What if you had got hurt and I had never turned up? What if they had kidnapped you? What if you had been killed in action, did you think about what would’ve happened to your classmates, your friends, your family?

All-Might: Kid, I know you didn’t think, you followed your gut, like a true hero, but if you don’t have the right training, that powerful instinct could be the thing that kills you.

All-Might: Make me a promise. Promise me that from now on, you will not jump to be a hero, but train harder than you ever have before so that when the time comes, when you are a true hero, you will be plus ultra and ready to save and protect the people you care about. So do we have a deal?

All-Might: (A hearty chuckle leaves him.) Now that spark in your eye looks like the making of a new hero, a new force of good against villainy. Now then…

(All-Might stands up.)

All-Might: Unfortunately , when you’re better, you will need to face a punishment, but I’ll try and talk Principal Nezu down from anything too extreme, I don’t want to lose you as a student...

(There are a few knocks on the door and All-Might turns to look at it.)

All-Might: Speaking of students, I believe your classmates are here to see you, after all you have been out for seven days!

(The listener suddenly sits up in surprise as All-Might walks to the door and opens it, a flood of U.A. students running in.)

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