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we first met in the start of year 7 you were just a random boy however i herd a lot about you. only because lucy was obsessed with you lol.
then around the end of september i saw him at the park and we just talk and i told you bout this boy i really liked,dan. and he was going to the ice disco so luke said ill come with you to see if he's alright so i called my mum and asked she said no as we had plans lol. i was told to be home before 6:30 but it was quarter past 6 and no way i would get home in time so luke gave me his bike and stoll this other guys bike and said he'll give it back another time and walked me home it was so cute. we dint really talk much after that.
until the october half term i saw him at the park and we spent so much time together. he put on this group chat how much he liked by accident it was cute. then we dint speak again.
then i went out with his best mate alfie it was your typical asks year7 couple but we went out for ages lol.until we broke up then i found out luke never really stopped liking me so we spent a while with each other at the lido all weekend, friday saturday and sunday! anyway sunday night on text he told me he liked me and i said same. however i was stupid and still had small feelings for alfie but me and luke spent a lot of time together at school and alfie dint like that. alfie told me he still liked me and said same because I'm a stupid little bitch woop.
anyway after about a week luke forgave me we came really good friends a bit to good and alfie didn't like it so broke up with me lo. luke got really happy about this surprise surprise lol.
we came so close we were pretty much dating but weren't he always had his arm round me and we hugged all the time and all that jazz.
he made me unreal happy
but me being the stupid bitch i am said i cant do this anymore and broke up with him. which left me confused until i went back to school saw him and never felt so heartbroken in my whole life.
until one day i went into the music room appoligied for EVERYTHING so he said no and walked out lol. until he txt alice while i was with her (he didn't know i was with her lol) and said how much he misses me and alice said you should txt her so he did and he forgave me once again cos he's the nicest guy ever! we try to be how we were but it just didn't work and we got in another argument i said sorry and he forgave me again but its just awks so we just look at each other in the paluygriund and halls for ridiculously to long to just be friends. i miss him more then anyone nd anything and he made me so so so so happy and i fucked things up.
i wish i said to when he asked me out
i remember every day we spent together
ice cream
arguing and making up
breaking up....

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