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Star a large celestial body that is composed of gas and that emits light
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Doppler Effect an observed change in the frequency of a wave when the source or observer is moving
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Light-Year the distnace that light travels in one year
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Parallax an apparent shift in the position of an obeject when viewed from different locations
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Apparent Magnitude the brightness of a star as seen from Earth
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Absolute Magnitude the brightness that a star would have at a distance of 32.6 light-years from Earth
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Main Sequence the location on the H-R diagram where most star lie; it has a diagonal pattern from the lower right to the upper left
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Nebula a large cloud of a gas and dust in interstellar space; a region in space where stars are born
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Giant a very large and bright star whose hot core has used most of its hydrogen
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White Dwarf a small, hot, dim star that is the leftover center of an old star
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Nova a star that suddenly becomes brighter
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Neutron Star a star that has collapsed under gravity to the point that the electrons and protons have smashed together to form neutrons
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Pulsar a rapidly spinning neutron star that emits pulses of radio and optical energy
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Black Hole an object so massive and ednse that even light cannot escape its gravity
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Constellation one of 88 regions into which the sky has been divided in order to describe the locations of celestial objects; a group of stars organized in a recognizable pattern
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Galaxy a collection of star, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
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Quasar quasi-stellar radio source; a very luminous object that produces energy at a high rate
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Cosmology the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe
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Big Bang Theory the theory that all matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume that 13 billion to 15 billion years ago exploded and began expanding in all directions
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Cosmic Background Radiation radiation uniformly detected from every direction inspace; considered a remnant of the big bang.
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Nuclear fusion a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
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Spectro-graphs a photographic record of a spectrum
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Spectrum starlight passing through a spetrograph produces a display of colors and lines
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dark-line spectra bands of color crossed by dark lines where the color is diminished
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Color .
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Blue above 30,000
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Blue-white 10,000-30,000
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White 7,500-10,000
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Yellow-white 6,000-7,500
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Yellow 5,000-6,000
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Orange 3,500-5,000
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Red less than 3,500
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Apparent Motion stars, or motion visible to the unaided eye, is caused by the movement of Earth
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Circumpolar Stars stars that can be seen at all times of the year and all times of night.
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Actual Motion motion in which bodies change in thier positon over time
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Red Shift a star moving from Earth has a spectrum that is shifted slightly toward red
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Blue Shift light waves from a star appear to have shorter wavelenghts as the star moves towards Earth
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Hubble Space Telescope a space telescope and camera named for a famous astronaut (Edward Hubble) used to study space elements
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Luminosity the total amount of energy stars give off each second, reveals a consistent pattern
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Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram a graph relating the surface temperatures and absolute brightness of stars
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Main-Sequence Stars stars that fall within a band in the middle of the H-R diagram
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Law of Universal Gravitation all objects in the universe attract each other through gravitational force
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Protostar the shrinking, spinning region begins to into a disk that has a central concentration of matter
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Plamsa a hot, ionized gas that consists of an equal number of free-moving positive ions and electrons
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Nuclear Fusion a process that occurs when extremely high temperature and pressure cause less-massive atomic nuclei to combine to form more massive nuclei and, in the process, release enormous amounts of energy
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Planetary Nebula a cloud of gas that forms around a sunlike star that is dying
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Black Dwarf a white dwarf no longer gives off light, the star will become a blck dwarf
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Supernova a star that has such a tremendous explosion that it blows itself apart
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Binary stars pairs of stars that revolve around eachother and are held together by gravity.
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Barycenter (astronomy) the common center of mass around which two or more bodies revolve
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Globular Clusters a spherical shape and can
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