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380. Chapter 380 flesh and blood

Nail’s heart suddenly tightened.

At that moment, it seemed to slow down. He prayed in his heart to hit, and at the same time looked at the giant Evil Beast at a glance, until the breath of the breath resumed, the other party was still safe and still moving forward.

After the interest rate, a snow column was raised far away from the monster.

It’s bad.

Nail’s heart was soaring. Because the behemoth did not go toward the sixth wall, resulting in an angle with the cannon, the long gun must constantly adjust the angle, and also estimated the speed of the opponent’s movement, shooting in advance. Otherwise, it will be like this, after the fire, the shells will be behind the target.

According to the speed of the field guns, before the monsters broke through the wall, they had only one last chance!

Nail can already see the thick fur of the enemy and the bloody mouth under the fangs. The witches are coming towards this side, apparently intending to intercept the monster. But the four of them are not as good as one leg of the other, can it be achieved by magic power alone?

He was in a hurry and even wanted to go to the sixth section of the city wall, reminding the Artillery team to aim forward, but the supervising team members standing on each side of the wall made him finally suppress the impulse – now free from the garrison position, it is likely It is seen as an escape. Iron Axe has repeatedly stressed that this kind of behavior that may cause the defense to smash is absolutely forbidden. Once found, the supervising team can shoot and shoot directly.

The Evil Beast, which was at the forefront, has entered the shooting range of revolving rifle, and the city’s head rang a series of screams.

Nail had to continue his mission and put a loaded loader next to the shooter.

At this time, the second roar of the earth-shattering sounded again, which was only three or four minutes away from the previous fire.

so……Fast Nail was surprised to see the sixth section of the city wall. The smoke above the barrel had not dissipated, and there was still smoke coming out of the muzzle, like a ignited silver pipe. But even more shocking is still behind, he didn’t even have time to observe whether the shooting hit the enemy, and the dazzling fire would appear again –

The third shelling!

God, don’t they have to fill in ammunition?

He only saw four or five people busy at the back of the barrel, but no one had ever approached the muzzle. It seems that this cannon is very different from those of the short field guns. It is like a revolving rifle, which can be fired continuously!

This attack has shown results.

Nail didn’t see the shells coming into the monsters. The first thing that caught the eye was a bloody fog on the side of the giant Evil Beast. In addition to the scattered black blood, there were shredded fur and chunks of flesh. . At the same time evil Beast fierce, the whole body seems to be a bit flat, strong fur on the same as the surface of a wave of waves-but he doubts that is not an illusion, because the next moment, the body of the sunken back to normal, the eyes of blame Beast is squeezed out in the depression, At the same time, there are black and white viscous objects.

There was no snarling roar, and the behemoth fell to the ground sideways, making a dull crash. It wasn’t until then that Nail discovered where the shell hit – its body was close to the neck and broke a big hole, although it was insignificant compared to the burly body, it was even hard to connect the hole with the fatal blow. Together. A smoky blue smoke is emerging from the hole, and the surrounding fur is burnt to black.

Is it dead from the hell monster?

Nail unable to hold back The excitement of the heart, the previous fears turned into a snoring.

“Long live your Highness!”

Even a horrible and ferocious enemy can’t stop the powerful weapon invented by His Royal Highness! In addition to the new cannon, he couldn’t even think of other ways to kill this burly Evil Beast Hybrid – even if the witch could do it, it wouldn’t be as clean. Further thinking, in a sense, His Royal Highness has given them the supreme power to match the witch!

This shouting got more people’s response, like a primer, and quickly ignited the emotions of others. At the beginning, the recruits followed and shouted, and then the veterans couldn’t help but clench their fists.

The city head then burst into a high-pitched cheer.

“long live His Highness the Prince !”


Roland got the news after the battle ended.

He wore a wool coat and rushed to the western section of the city wall. Evil Beast’s huge body was still lying in the snow, and the black blood melted the surrounding snow into a black water.

It seems that these monsters, no matter how awkward they are, are only carbon-based creatures. In the face of gunpowder and steel, they are still no different from thin paper.

This solid pointed bullet tumbling after being shot into the target body, transferring the kinetic energy carried to the target body, and finally turning through the body – just as seen on the spot, the body on the other side of the target The whole body was opened, the internal organs and broken bones were scattered all over the place, and even the hardest head was crushed in the energy shock, and the whole collapsed.

However, his heart is also faintly worried. The bone strength of the creature is limited. This thing is obviously several times larger than the elephant. How does it hold up its own body without being crushed by its own weight? Land animals are much smaller than marine life, and gravity is an insurmountable flaw.

Will this all be related to magic power? I remember that Nightingale mentioned that she could see some Evil Beast Hybrid with magic power flowing inside.

“This…this…”How couldAgatha, who followed, widened his eyes. “Is this not Infernal Dread Beast?”

“What is that, Evil Beast Hybrid’s name?”Roland is curious, “has it been seen in Fertile Plain before?”

“Yes, when they are in groups, it’s a tough enemy for both witch and Devil. Many towns have been leveled by Infernal Dread Beast,” Agatha’s voice sounded dry. “But they can only be seen when they are nearing the Red Moon.”

“Red Moon…ArrivalRoland suddenly remembered the record in the ancient book, “The same day, the bloody Red Moon, Gate of Hell will open again.” His brow wrinkled, “What does it mean ?”

“The first record of the War of Divine Will, which is the most full moment of magic power, the emergence of the witch will usher in a peak, but the same, Devil and Evil Beast will become extraordinarily strong.”Agatha said nervously, “I have read the history book you gave me. According to the age, it should be at least twenty to fifty years from Red Moon. Impossible will appear like this monster.”

“But it still appears,” Roland whispered. “What does this mean?”

“It means we have less time.”
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