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Name: Akira Katsuki
Gender: Male
Quirk: None.
Takes after Bakugo in most appearance, though he has bigger eyes and has more freckles on his face then Bakugo would have. Kind of a quiet kid who keeps to himself for most of the time, though seems to like the attention he's usually given by his fathers and aunts. Kind of the kid who seems that one wouldn't assume who did anything wrong, but has a bad streak of luck since he usually gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pretty average in terms of intelligence and is basically that one "normal" kid, though people tend to not mess with him since he has a horrible temper laying underneath his layer of placidity.

Name: Keiko Katsuki
Gender: Female
Quirk: Time Bomb. She has special pads on her finger tips where when she activates her quirk on an object, the object essentially becomes a bomb. The bigger the object is, the bigger the explosion it will make, but the bigger the object also has a less amount of time for it to go off.
Takes more after Deku appearance wise, with shoulder-length curly dark hair though has more of Bakugo's eye shape and eye color. Sort of more outgoing then her brother and is known for being a mischief maker in class, tending to mess with her classmates by scaring them with her quirk and takes amusement in their reactions, though doesn't mean much harm in it in the end. She's incredibly easygoing and will literally let everything slide off of her like water on a duck, and never gets mad.

Name: Miku Uraraka
Gender: Female
Quirk: Ambrosia. Basically, when she cries, her tears aren't really "tears"- instead its equivalent of the godly liquid ambrosia, though instead of bringing immortality it's a healing item. It can basically help stabilize major wounds for a bit and help literally heal up smaller wounds as well, though the more the person consumes the more it becomes a potential health hazard- since having more then one or two droplets of the healing liquid can quite literally overwhelm their systems.
Since Miku was adopted, she takes after neither of her mothers in appearance. She has shoulder-length, curly golden blonde hair she usually keeps tied back in a bun and amber eyes, with tannish skin with notably crooked teeth and freckles. She's a pretty sweet and thoughtful girl and will be nice for the hell of it, though can curse like a sailor if pushed hard enough. Despite having a quirk used for healing properties she can handle herself in battle pretty well due to being adept in hand to hand combat.

Name: Natsuki Todoroki
Gender: Female
Quirk: Discord. Basically, it's an emitter like quirk. She's able to to take any sort of negative energy, whether it be one or others in the nearby area, and turn it into raw energy for her to control. She can swirl it around her body and can quite literally take down buildings with said quirk, though that would be said if she could control it a majority of a time.
Natsuki, who was also adopted, has back length, straight white hair she keeps back in a simple white braid. She's pretty tall and has pale skin, with dark colored eyes. Despite her quirk depending on negative emotions, she tends to try and look to the optimistic side for the sake of her classmates and is usually very calm and composed, and very blunt to the point of seeming like she was trying to intentionally hurt others with her words.
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