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I. Three Themes of Historical Study (Political, Social. Economic)

Responsibility of government
P: To prevent chaos
S: To protect their rights, Laws, and to put the bad people in jail.
E: Make sure it works, provide jobs.
There are three branches of governments and each branch has its own power. Taxes are used to pay to open up schools and libraries.

Hammurabi’s Code
P:the earliest known written law
S: / A man is caught sexually abusing a woman. They will kill him
E: A businessman is caught stealing from his company’s bank account. The man has to pay a fine and they should cut of his hands
Absolute Monarchy
P: power is inherited in the family
S: they cannot vote for their leader and they do not have a lot of freedom
E: government controls the economy
Medieval europe had several absolute monarchies Mercantilism
P: allows citizens to choose their leaders vote leaders in and out
S:people have many more rights these rights are protected
A: usually employs capitalists economy
Social Contract
P: unwritten contract between the people and the government
S: People give up rights to have some protected
E: Certain jobs are illegal within a society.
Theories of social contracts were used from the 16th to 18th centuries to explain the origin of government.
Natural Rights-
P: Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
S: People are born with them and they cant be taken away
E: the types of jobs people have do have limits.
P:governments are bound to protect the rights of the people
S: all people matter and are of importance.
E:charitable people and organizations (doctors that volunteer their jobs
Five Themes of Geography
P: are the ways in which historians can study the world.
S: the theme of movement concerns the interaction of people and their culture.
E:The theme of region is concerned with how people adapt to land.
P: sum of the parts that make up the civilization
S: every society has their own culture
E: the culture dictates what jobs people perform.

Customs, folkways, laws
P: process by which a society creates their laws.
S:The ways in which people live their lives determines the laws they create.
E: money has always played an important part in determining laws.
P: governments had to take wealth from other societies.
S: motivated people to explore and exploit other societies.
E: economic theory which states that there is a set amount of wealth in the world and to get more you have to take it from others.
P:the free enterprise system
S: people have the right to privately own business
E: Land, labor,

II. The Age of Global Encounters

Renaissance began in Italy-
P: small city-states began the Renaissance
S: People believed in humanism
E: europe began to trade with the Middle East
Renaissance Man-
P:these people were often hired by government to improve their cities
S: they were the genesis of the new ideas and culture.
E: These people were paid handsomely for their services.
Machiavelli -
P: a renaissance man who wrote about government power and control
S:believed people can not be trusted and are liars
E: Wrote, The prince as a guide book for rulers

P: philosophy of, “The way” or becoming one with nature
S: adopted by the peasant of China
E: money is a necessary evil

P: philosophy of the respect for relationships.
S: used by the people of Southeast Asia to bring balance to life.
E: the civil service system for jobs comes from this philosophy.

P: philosophy of peace and respect for others
S: adopted by the people of southeast asia to ease their suffering
E: material wealth is evil and unnecessary.

P: a renaissance man who represented the growing influence of merchant governments
S: created masterpiece of art in western culture
E: merchants hired him to show off their wealth
Christopher Columbus-
P: an italian renaissance man who sailed for spain to find a western route to asia
S: was a humanist who set the stage for future imperialism.
E: under intense pressure to bring gold and silver to the spanish king and queen

Mansa Musa:
P: the king of Mali in west africa
S: went on a pilgrimage to Mecca to show of Mali’s wealth.
E: made his fortune through the gold/salt trade.

Askia Muhammad:
P: the king of songhai in west africa
S: went on pilgrimage to mecca to learn how to rule like a muslim caliphate.
E: made his fortune through the gold/ salt trade.
Three West African Kingdoms:
P: proof that Africans had advanced civilizations
S: people had a complex culture
E: source of power was the gold-salt trade.
Inca, Maya, Aztec
P: proof of advanced civilization in Central and South America.
S: developed advance societies.
E: trade and tribute was a great source of wealth.
III. The Age of Exploration
Three G’s of Exploration-
P: Glory, the experience nations of europe competed for power
S: God, missionaries wanted to spread the Christian religion.
E: Gold, the explored nations of Europe wanted gold and silver for their coffers/ bank.

Columbus: Hero or Villain-
P- a hero to many in the U.S. as a man who helped to create N, American society or a genocide maniac who reaped and murdered his way throught the Carribean,
S- motivated by the belief in humanism or motivated by greed and power over others.
E- wanted to create a world trading network (Columbian exchange) or wanted to create the forced slave labor of indigenous peoples.
Columbus Lost Voyage
P- his fourth and final voyage was an attempt to salvage his reputation.
S- was a complete disaster that showed the positive and negative of Columbus.
E- never was able to prove he found the western route to Asia.
Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangular Trade)-
P- domination by the European explorer nations of West Africa and the Americas
S- forced millions of Africans into slavery.
E-based on the trade of raw materials, finished goods, and oppressed humanity.
Things Fall Apart -
P- clash of governmental systems of Igbo society and British society
S- the effects of imperialism on the Igbo people.
E-destruction of Igbo economic system in favor of British imperialism.
Meiji Restoration
P- clash of governmental systems of japanese society and American society.
S- Samurai fought against the changes the US and European nations brought.
E- Japan transformed its economy and became an industrial power.

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