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Continued Social Psychology Notes
Chapter 1
Social Psychology
+ Scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another
- Social Thinking
- Social Influence
- Social relations
Social Psychology's Big Ideas
+ We construct our social reality
= We react differently because we think differently
> 1951 Princeton-Dartmouth football game demonstration
> Objective reality
- Beliefs about others
- Beliefs about ourselves
+ Our social intuitions are often powerful but sometimes perilous
> Dual Processing
- Conscious and deliberate
- Unconscious and automatic
- Aaron and Dulton bridge study illustrates how ones physical reactions is consciously interpreted.
- Arousal and Cognitive appraisal
- Subjectivity - open to interpretations
+ Unconscious appraisal
> Warmth
> Competence
> Envy
- Low warmth, High competence
- Famous people as examples
> Disgust
- Low warmth, Low competence
> Unconsciously
- More positive attributes to people that are more attractive
- Less positive attributes to people that are less attractive
+ Social Influences Shape Our Behavior
> Locality
> Educational level
> Subscribed Media
> Culture
- System of shared ideas
> Ethnicity
- Customs
- Values
- Language
- Foods = Never given up.
> Race
> Nationality
> Social Economic Status
1. Family income
2. Level of education
3. Social power
+ Personal attitudes and dispositions
> Internal forces
- Inner attitudes about specific situations
> Personality dispositions
- Different people may react differently while facing the same situation
- Temperament - how your likely to respond to your environment
1. Easy going
2. Slow to warm up
3. Difficult
4. Intellect
+ Social behavior is Biologically Rooted
> Evolutionary psychology
- Natural selection predisposes our actions and reactions
> Social neuroscience
- We are bio-psycho-social organisms

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