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David Livingstone Notes

Chapter 1:
David turns 13 and his grandpa tells him stories.

Chapter 2:
Grandpa tells a story about a girl and a woman, David questions whether or not science is good in God's eye. David is confronted by the new foreman who lets David continue reading and studying during work.

Chapter 3:
David wants to try and become a missionary and wants to get in a school. Although the school costs 12 pounds a year, David works extremely hard and gets in. one qualification that every person needs to become a missionary is that they must be able to give sermons. Everything goes well until David's mind goes blank.

Chapter 4:
David fails his missionary test but is given a second chance, he decides to continue medical school after China is closed off from missionary work. David then decides to go to Africa.

Chapter 5:
David finally reaches Africa and continues to many missions with the Rosses. Afterwards, David decides to go to north of Africa saying that the south already has many missions. He continues to find a tribe with his new mate called Edward. After arriving they are happy to find that the tribe they arrived at is friendly. the Indians, after greeting David and Edward, are then curious on what is inside David and Edward's wagon.........a fire-stick (rifle)

Chapter 6:
After leaving the last tribe and moving on to the next, David and Edward are glad to find that this tribe is a lot like the last and is friendly. David tries to learn their language teh tribe speaks and learns enough to communicate with the chief better. David wants to move to the next tribe but the chief warns David that the next tribe is fierce and unfriendly. David still persists and when he reaches the next tribe the chief refuses to serve him food. (it is a bad sign)

Chapter 7:
After persisting, the chief finally agrees to serve food to David. Of course, David and Edward don't stay there long and move on to other tribes. After almost 2 years of being in Africa, David finally goes out to the south to check out how all the missions are doing. Also David's relationship with Edward worsens.

Chapter 8:
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