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Divine Hideness (specifically inefficacy of Prayer) ("Yet, for some reason, God wants none of us today to see any of those miracles because he "needs to remain hidden" so that he will not "taint our free wills.")
Historical gods were fake
Naturalistic explanations replace supernatural or theistic explanations.
The bible is immoral and backwards and contradictory and other problems with the bible
The problem of evil
Lack of evidence (all miracle claims are dubious so lack of miracles) (divine hideness?)
God lets others speak for him (divine hideness)
Christians are hypocritical
Problem of Hell
Religion is Harmful and other problems (scientific, anthropomorphic, immoral) with religions
God of the Gaps (Evolution) + Occam's Razor (Science and naturalism explains everything with fewer assumptions.
Diversity and inconsistency of religions and God claims
Incoherent and contradictory attributes (creator vs perfect)
How can God exist timelessly?
Conciousness dependent on brain and neuroscience
argument from poor design
We are too tiny for anything to care about us (divine hideness / Argument from Scale)

hiddeness of God (countless reasonable non-believers even though we would expect that any person who can believe in God has a relationship with him)

Success of science (Science is extremely successful without taking God into account even though we would expect that God acts in the world in ways that science must take into account)

mind-brain connection (the mind is contingent on the brain/body so it is unlikely that God exists)

evolution (evolution is extremely inefficient and imperfect leading to many nonfunctional and dysfunctional design) inefficiency is only important for a being who is limited in time or resources. God being omnipotent and infinite is not limited in time or resources. so efficiency is useless for God, naturalistic evolution without God guiding it is improbable anyways.

pointless suffering (POE)
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