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pretty littles liars
There were five teenage girls hanging out. Aria Hanna Emily Spencer and Alison. Alison mom did not want her to leave the house so she snuck out without her mom knowing. So the other girls were getting worry. They didn't know what to do. Untill
BOO. AHHHHHHHHHH. Ali that not funny said Hanna. Yea ail said Aria. Lets go to sleep said Emily. k said ALL OF THEM. In the morning Aria woke up and did not see Alison or Spencer. She woke up everyone and then spencer came running out. I heard her scream I thought she was in trouble. What do you mean spencer where is Ali. I tried Aria I really did. WHERE IS SHE SPENCER. I DONT KNOW EMILY OK I WOKE UP AND HEARD A SCREAM IT SOUNDED LIKE ALI SO I RAN TO WHERE I THOUGHT I HEARD IT OK SHE GONE I DIDNT FIND HER I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS WHY SHE LEFT OK I AM SORRY EMILY I REALLY AM. MY GIRLFRIEND IS GONE. GIRLFRIEND??? said spencer. Yea umm me and Ail been together for almost a month and she didn't want to tell you guys cause you will freak out and then I would not know what to do or how you guys would recact ok. How did you guys get together said spencer. Well after swim practice Ail look scared and she told me one of her biggest sercets and I said I would never tell you guys but I will once we all find her ok but she told me it and it was pretty upsetting and so I kissed her and it made her feel better so yea then we went to class and... DING. All there phones ring. What the. WHERE DID SHE GO I DO NOT KNOW WELL I MAY DOOO 24 HOURS TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT -A. Who is A said Aria. OMG I NEED TO TELL YU NOW. what . ok so the big secret is that ali gave me her phone to read these messages from someone and it said do as what I say or you die don't tell anyone or else DONT TELL ANYONE OR YOU WILL REGRET IT YOU BE DOWN IN A GRAVE JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER. omg Emily you can not keep something like that for a month. IT WAS FROM A SAID EMILY. we need to go to the cops now. said spencer. this is crazy said toby. toby is a cop spencer boyfriend and the step brother of a blind girl name jenna witch ali threw a sink bomb in there house did not that anyone was in there and blinded her.
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