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Name: Sen Suzuki
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Japanese
Bloodtype: AB-
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Talent: Ultimate Director
Likes: Fast Food, Bad Horror Movies.
Dislikes: Hallmark.
Appearance: 5'4. Short, shoulderlength curly dark red hair and rounded emerald green eyes. Has tannish skin, and a mole under her right eye. Usually wears a white, v neck t-shirt with a blue jacket with a pocket on its right side and black running pants, and tennis shoes. She always wears a blue baseball cap and keeps her backpack with her at all times, which she packs with her camera, a notebook, and a concealed case.
Personality: To most, Sen appears to be an outgoing and kind individual. She usually tries her best to help others when she can, though at times she seems a bit... Strange. Her optimistic comments seem to be sprinkled with bits of barely notable pessimism, and despite trying her best to help, she seems to more or less encourage the more negative thoughts- which is barely notable due to the optimistic tone she takes on over it. She doesn't really react to violence or blood, even if it's brutal as a murder.
Backstory: Sen was adopted into a more privileged lifestyle from a young age and to outward appearances, she seemed to grow up mostly normally- expect for strange behavior that was scattered. She rarely made friends despite her status and actually preferred to stay alone to pursue her dream.
Relationships: Andrea Wilkins: One of her only friends she stayed close to, but despite Andrea thinking so Sen doesn't seem to have the same thoughts.
Daphne King: Someone she's interested in.
Leo Kelly: The two most secretive out of everyone. They usually meet up right before everyone goes to turn in for the night and talk over their books, though Sen mostly takes on a theoretical stance on everything she says.
Olivia Fortin: Sen usually frequently talks to her, even moreso then Andrea or any of her other friends. She got close enough to gain her confidential files of all her other classmates and her notes - though Olivia didn't give it up willingly.

Name: Leo Kelly
Gender: Male (Trans)
Age: 18
Nationality: New Zeland
Bloodtype: A-
Sexuality: Homosexual
Talent: Ultimate Engineer
Likes: Complex Puzzles.
Dislikes: Sweets, Telenovas.
Appearance: 5'10. Neat, black hair and dark eyes. He wears rectangular shaped glasses with black frames and has a darker colored skin tone. He usually wears a red flannel shirt and dark jeans. He always wears dress shoes and always has a pencil behind his right ear.
Personality: Leo, as seen by others, is known to be more cold and dry compared to the others. He's a perfectionist on absolutely everything he does and takes a ruthless efficiency on his goals, always attempting to deal with everything in a straightforward manner. He usually speaks in a dry and sarcastic manner about everything, and tends to act as if he's "superior" to others. He tries his best not to seem harsh, however , and is quick to take his own wrath on others who are too harsh on themselves or others. Despite appearances, he's mostly informal in the way he speaks. He basically freaks out when he figures out he isn't doing anything perfectly and doesn't really like talking about his personal life with others.
Backstory: Leo was born in New Zeland, to a relaxed and laid back family. Both of his parents earned a lot of money and had very successful jobs- and the heavily encouraged their children to do the same. Leo slowly got being a "perfectionist" ingrained in his mind from an early age, which was a simple image for his parents - a wife, successful kids, and a good job. He manages to break this picture by turning out to be both trans and gay - after that, his parents basically acted as if he were invisible. He began to turn to his work more and more to the point of forcing seclusion on himself, and grew desperate to prove himself to his parents again.
George Kelly- A proud man and a good, successful businessmen. He has to brag a lot about his oldest daughter, a genius, but that mostly faded away when he gained a son instead. He's said to have a quick temper and usually takes this out on his wife an kids.
Sarah Kelly-A mostly cheerful woman who dutifully plays the role of housewife to her husband and kids. She rarely talks about her oldest child, similar to her husband, but treats him more kindly then her husband does, and is obviously a bit afraid of him.
Aria Kelly- Leo's twin sister. She's a complete smart alek, and though not a much of a natural born genius like her brother, still is same enough to land a decent place in a college. Despite obviously being pretty close to her brother, she doesn't have enough nerves to stand up to her parents.
Hugo Kelly- Leo's 12 year old brother. He's the most quiet one of the family and rarely ever speaks up for himself, and doesn't seem to be doing well in school, which causes his father to put a lot of heat on him.
Emily Kelly- Leo's 8 year old sister. A pretty nervous and jumpy girl who usually covers this up with a big extent of cheerfulness that's slightly tooth rooting. Leo shows the most worry about her due to usually forcing herself to keep up with the grades that her father wants.
Zara Kelly- Leo's 4 year old sister. A cheerful and seed young girl, she doesn't seem to understand the pressure her parents put on her older siblings and is mostly oblivious to it. She likes Leo the most out of her siblings she to him telling the 'best" stories.He
Daphne King - Leo quietly admires Daphne's persistent and brave persona, and how easily she can stand up for herself. He's sort of her "advisor", usually helping her on the murder cases.

Name: Colette Bernard
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: French
Bloodtype: B-
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Ultimate Astronomer
Likes: Sweet things, motorcycles.
Dislikes: Spicy Food, pollution.
Appearance: 5'0. Has tanned skin, long curly dark brown hair(with a big, curly ahoge) and violet eyes. She wears rounded, dark blue rimmed glasses and wears a black dress with a dark blue sash through the middle with constellation patterns across it. She wears galaxy leggings and knee length black boots. She also has a leather jacket with her and usually carries around a small pocket dictionary, a notebook, and her laptop.
Personality: Colette is a relatively jovial and cheerful girl. She tends to speak in a slightly dreamy tone that makes if seem it she's always walking on air. She's incredibly optimistic to the point of it seeming rather ridiculous, and doesn't seem to care. Shes incredibly carefree and laid back, and really doesn't seem to have much of a care about what other people think. Most think of her as a bit of a bit due to often consulting her "books" when consulting people. Despite her outer optimism, she still seems to have secret insecurities that he prefers to hide.
Backstory: Colette's parents died before she could even clutch a memory on them, and was quickly passed off to her aunt. Similar to her, her aunt is a bit of an airhead; though there was no way she could really take care of a child. She often skipped out on feeding her, forgetting to pick her up at school, sometimes even not going to her soccer games- mostly because of becoming invested in her get rich fast schemes, as well as her many boyfriends.. Colette usually figured out a way to get home on her own and would usually stay at the library after school, reading about the stars and galaxies and grew a great interest in what was beyond. She seemed to prefer that world moreso then the one she lived in.
Louise Bernard: A mostly airheaded, spacy woman who doesn't seem to pay attention to the world around her and is incredibly vain. She doesn't at much attention to her niece and prefers doing her own h ing and letting Colette "be free" .

Olivia Fortin: Olivia seemed to easily pick up on Colette's secret insecurities and often seemed to take notes on her as if she were her "text subject", sometimes even following her around when she was alone. Colette was oblivious to this fact, and usually happily conversed with her in their freetime.

Sen Suzuki: One of the few people who actually seems to scare her.

Daphne King: Colette often talked to her about some of her "predictions", as well as her other interests and sometimes even their classmates.

Name: Austin Walker(Also goes by Josie)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Bloodtype: O
Sexuality: Pansexual
Talent: Ultimate Drag queen
Likes: Broadway shows, Romance Novels.
Dislikes: Greasy food.
Appearance: 5'4. Short, curly chestnut brown hair that's closely shaven and dark brown eyes. He has a olive skintone and dark freckles all over his face. When out of his drag, he usually wears a oversized sweater, sweatpants, and slippers. While in drag, he wears a curly haired chestnut colored wig that's heavily permed and reaches his shoulders. He wears good stud earrings, though doesn't have heavily exaggerated make up and usually keeps it light. He wears a strapless, turquoise dress with a golden sash that has long slashes along its sides that shows off his thighs, and gold colored high heels.
Personality: Austin, when out of drag(which he almost always did around his classmates) is short, rude, and cold. He prefers to keep to himself and lied about his talent until it was ultimately revealed anyways, and doesn't really like to include his classmates in his double life since he dislikes most of them with a deep passion. He isn't afraid of showing his dislike for someone or other people, and is heavily sarcastic. He has a weak stomach involving blood and usually passed out a the very sight of it. He seems to carry a bit of guilt with him over his distant past and doesn't like talking about his home life.
With his drag on, Austin shows a more cheerful personality that contrasts with what face he usually puts on. He's more confident and sure of himself, and usually leads situations on.
Backstory: Austin was born in a middle class household, though his life wasn't all that peaceful. His father often cheated on his mother and regularly brought other women over when his mom was out on business trips, and threatened to beat Austin and his younger siblings if they blabbed at all. His father eventually murdered one of the women he brought over in an act of rage, and Austin was aware of this due to hearing the woman's screams. Despite his father's threats, he finally fesses up to the police - his mother was greatly distressed by the situation and began to work less in order to be home more with them, though Austin ignored her attempts to bond. Despite her coming home "more", Austin was still in charge of taking care of his younger siblings and eventually his half sister as well. He became more aware about his mother working herself half to death to support them all and began working himself. He got into drag when he was 17 and basically used it as a form of stress relief, though didn't get into doing anything involving sexual acts until he was 18- which he rarely does anyways.
Roger Evans: A former store manager, Roger more or less married his wife, Ursula, out of obligation after she got pregnant with Austin's older sister. Though his wife was dedicated to him, he quickly grew astray after the marriage and began to sleep with women behind her back and began to bring them home while she was working long hours, even with his kids at home. Though he never carried out the threats, he often threatened to beat or even murder his kids if they even stepped a toe out of line and eventually finally snaps when he murders one of the women he brought over after she attempted to leave and stood up for his kids when she heard him threatening them. He's now serving a life sentence in prison, and hasn't attempted contact with his family.
Ursula Walker: A businesswomen who quickly got pregnant after what was meant to be a few short dates, Ursula tried her best to both please her husband and be there for her kids, though she was forced to work long hours because of her job. She feels guilty about her kids finding out about their financial situation and trying to help out, forcing them not to take jobs so she could just give tham money and is in the process of working herself half to death due to finally being forced to take on two jobs to support her family.
Amanda Walker: Austin's older sister, she's more or less seen as a "traitor" to them - she walked out to live far from her family and earned a full scholarship to go halfway across the country away from them and hasn't attempted contact with any of them. She basically ran for it due to the stress of her family life and not being able to take it anymore.
Ethan Walker: Austin's 15 year old brother. An athletic boy, Ethan seems to be pretty into sports and dreams of being a pro one day and earning enough money to support all of his family so none of them could worry ever again. He has a bit of a criminal record on him due to actually beating up a man to the point of breaking his jaw when he called his brother a freak and attempted to harass him.
Edith Walker: Austin's 13 year old sister. Though she's known by "Eddy" by her siblings, Eddy wishes to be more outgoing and popular- though due to her being forced to get braces, being a bit overweight, and her insecure tendencies, she's often the target of bullying instead, which is pretty sad due to the fact she's genuinely one of the nicest people in the world.
Ruth Walker: Austin's 12 year old sister, Ruth is seen as a bit of a recluse due to preferring to keep to herself - and similar to her oldest sister she's a big time prodigy, even bigger then her. She already got to move up four grades and is actually in high school and taking college classes now, though she wants to help her family in any way she can.
Logan Walker: Austin's 8 year old brother. Cheerful, loud, and boisterous, Logan never got the chance to meet his father since he wasn't even born yet by the time he was jailed. He's a pretty normal boy and his older siblings tend to protect him from the world and baby him a lot, though he's trying to get out of the role of "baby in the family" due to his baby sister and is usually seen dotting on her and holding her a lot.
Winnie Walker: Austin's youngest sister who isn't even close to being a year old yet. She was born out of a one night stand that didn't progress any further then that and is a pretty cheerful baby, more or less just waiting for the next cookie she's given by her siblings.

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