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/me The harsh sting of the cold in the northernmost region of Sinnoh seemed to never lessen, stormy grey clouds clouding the sky above. A light sprinkle of snow was slowly raining down, despite the contrary stinging cold -though, the harsh pick up of the winds seemed to tell that the light snow would soon swing up once more. This was all but normal for the citizens of Snowpoint city; they all simply put on an extra layer of clothes before exiting their homes and heading out into the snow, their voices soft and muffled as they talked to each other. Two people were currently outside of the famous Snowpoint temple, their arms crossed over their chests and standing in front of the doorway. With the recent burst of strange visitors, they had to put even more guards up in front of the temple- it was constantly not left unguarded, whether it be day or night, to the chargin of some. The two guards barely even noticed someone hiding in the nearby trees, a hood up over her head and covering off her face as she clutched at something in her bare hands and simply attempted to listen in the twos muffled conversation.

[i] "...These damn outsiders are acting like they own the place. I heard of how badly it got in one of the other towns, and I bet it'll get no better at this point." [/i]The first voice- deeper and more gruff, which the stranger had already dubbed "giant asshole", while the other had a more soft voice, but was doing no attempt at stopping his talk. [i]" Well. It's not like they'll leave sooner or later, but I wish there wasn't a twenty four hour guard. Do you think they're overdoing it just a little to make us stand through a snowstorm? "[/i] He moved forward a bit- grey eyes narrows a bit under the hood. Finally, an opening. Maybe this temple could help her find a way to get back home. Temples were usually the best places to look for answers, after all...

Slowly, the tactician in training crept forward as she gripped onto her time tightly. The two were deep in conversation and barely noticed as someone came from the trees, her face slightly more visible in the light. All she wore was a cloak with unusual gold trimmed patterns aligning it and a shirt and breaches underneath. Slowly, she attempted to step onto the perch- she lost her balance and fell face first onto the marble stoop with a loud bang, making a muffled "oof" sound. A dribble of blood came out from her nose due to her harsh landing, causing her to groan lightly as a wave of dizziness came over her - but, she was given no time to recover before she was lifted up by her hood like a mother cat lifting her kitten by its scruff.

"[i]Hey, how the hell did this kid get here?[/i]" With her hood yanked up off her head, it revealed the young girl was indeed young looking- she looked no more into her mid teens, with the slight remains of baby fat in her cheeks and having short, dark hair. The front of her face was smeared with blood due to her harsh landing and it didn't seem like it wouldn't stop anytime soon. " --[i]'Ey! I'm not a kid, put me down! "[/i] The girl began to wail, beginning to kick her legs outward in attempt to kick the other. The other guard took a step back from the flailing girl, she only slightly running her fingers over the faint lettering on her tomb. "[i]Well, looks like there's going to be guards now. You must be losing your touch to let a little girl like this get through." [/i] Neither of them noticed the girls faint, slurred mumbling before a burst of electricity split forward, causing both the girl and the two guards flew back. A harsh ringing in her ears seemed to get louder as she laid back in the snow, slightly sitting up and rubbing her face a bit with her hand. She could see the guard who was holding her was on the ground, unconscious, while the other was looking a bit dazed as he looked up and widened his eyes in shock. The youth 's own eyes widened comically like a miffled owl, backing up in the snow and clutching her tomb to her chest and making no attempt to wipe the blood still remaining on her face, or noticing her hair which stuck up as if she had decided to put her finger in an electric socket. "[i]Uhm. Would you believe me if I said this all just a horribly tragic accident?"
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