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Okay, so if there's anyone here who cared, I was gone for five months last year - from late February to late August if I recall correctly. Maybe some of you would like to know what happened. I think it's about time I told you. It's something you need to know.


It was a stereotypically dark and stormy night. Left shaken by my discrimination for being a lolicon, I decided to walk around a conveniently placed abandoned street and ponder. What was wrong here? Why did people hate me so... why was this world so cruel? I longed to find the answers I sought, which was why I decided to walk around in circles for no apparent reason.
At this precise moment as I was lost in thought I suddenly seen something move from the corner of my eye. It seemed a little odd and rather cliché considering this street in particular was supposed to be abandoned but I guess that's how anime tropes work. Going against all my common sense I decided to follow it. It wasn't before long when it stopped and then I realised the shadow belonged to Takanashi Rikka, and all caution I may have had instantly disappeared because I was a fucking weirdo. This would be the worst mistake in my life.
Then there was this weird disembodied voice which, if I was a normal person, would have made be turn back immediately. But I didn't. The voice spoke to me, it said "follow me to achieve a greater understanding in the ways of the world." Guess I'm part of a loli cult now, I thought silently to myself. It was time to go down the rabbit hole and fuck my life up.
When I followed Rikka I soon came to this kind of basement-looking place where she was standing in the corner facing the wall. I called out to her but she didn't respond, so I decided to com closer. Then everything went black. Not an edgy kind of black, just black. Dark black. Darker than the darkest black you've ever seen. Like when someone gets knocked out in a movie.
Coincidentally, that's exactly what happened. When I finally awoke I was in a bright pink cutesy room, although it had no decoration except the chair I was tied to and a table next to it with a briefcase on top of it. There was only one room guarded by two girls I vaguely recognized: Karibuchi Hikari and Karibuchi Takami. "Oh onii-chan, you're finally awake!" exclaimed Hikari. Meanwhile I was just wondering what the fuck happened. Before I could say anything, though, Takami came over to the table next to me and retrieved the briefcase.
Holding the briefcase, she spoke to me. The chair was really tiny so she had to bend down to make eye contact. "Now, Buchi, do you know why you are here?" she asked. "No," I replied. "Very well then..." she spoke as she retrieved the biggest and sharpest fucking syringe I've ever seen in my whole life from the suitcase. "Prepare for your vaccination!"

"No... please, God, no!" I screamed in sheer terror as inserted to needle into my wrists. The world was growing slowly distorted as my screams echoed throughout the room. Hikari just stood there and Takami was laughing like a psychopath. It was like something from a crappy horror movie. I started trying to break free but the chains binding me were too tight. The needle went further, my screams louder, until finally the pain receded and Takami removed the needle. She stood up, looking down at me. "Your pain will serve us well." She walked back over to Hikari and they left the room, leaving me alone. I was relieved and immediately started thinking of ways to free myself.
It was a good few hours of me being an idiot until I realised there wasn't any possible escape methods. There was nothing here and Takami even took the suitcase with her. I was well and truly alone within silence, until I realised I could hear something. Very faint but it was there. I realised it was Hikari and Takami talking with Rikka just outside of the room.
"He appears to be accepting the injections." I recognized this as Takami's voice."A prime candidate for sacrifice." "Perhaps so, Takami, but we must be careful before beginning the experiments. If he appears accepting of the torture for the next few months then I will allow you to begin the experiments." "Very well then. Me and Hikari will proceed as normal until the time comes" Finally, I may have a chance for escape!
I was being hopeful here but maybe, just maybe, these "experiments" would present me with an escape oppurtunity. Nor did they realise I could hear everything they said. It looked like I was not doomed just yet...

And so the torture continued for four whole months. Their favourite method of torture was forcing my eyes open and making me watch terrible ecchi/harem anime like they did in that scene from Clockwork Orange. It was horrible and they had no end of weebshit they force me to watch. Occasionally there would be another injection, and my vision and perception of the world would turn into something nightmarish beyond imagination. Apparently these also gave me regenerative powers they liked to abuse by regularly cutting off my toes and fingers, which of course always grew back but damn it hurt like Hell.
The only thing that gave me hope was when I listened in on Rikka's conversations and hear how much I had "progressed". My day of escape drew closer every day. Meanwhile my rage grew stronger inside, a burning desire to kill them all and take my vengeance. "This will end with my hands around your throats..." I used to tell myself. I would overcome and take revenge. This I knew.
I also heard other things. What they were doing to me. The torture, the injections, it had all been done before. It was even going on elsewhere as they spoke. They aimed to turn us into mindless lolicons who would follow their every word, then make us sacrifice ourselves to their pagan god. Loligar was its name. His power was growing, they said. Only a few more sacrifices would be needed until it would obtain enough power to break free and consume the Earth. Their ritualistic sacrifices had been going on for twenty years.
Eventually it was time. Their first experiment was ready to be conducted. "Do you know what we are going to do today?" asked Takami. "No..." I replied, faking submission. "We are going... to bake... a cake!!" she exclaimed, then proceeded to laugh maniacally. "That sounds fun..." Faked submission again. They were buying it. "Come on then, follow us..." she unlocked my binds minus the handcuffs and I followed.

Every step of the way I was subjected to Hikari's annoying loli cries of glee, as if baking a cake to her was the most amazing thing in the world. I was both terrified and surprised that baking a cake was now apparently the most horrifying thing in the world to me. But still I followed like a dog on a leash. For I knew my time of escape was near. Closer than ever before...
When I reached the kitchen I realised the doors were guarded by two more lolis, Shimada Arisu and Shimakaze. Both were armed with an MG42 and katana each. I was told to enter the room and obliged, then was greeted by Shinonome Hakase. "Hello onii-chan, today we are going to bake a cake!" Her disgustingly high-pitched voice made me want to puke but I endured it nonetheless.
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