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"Mr.Hatchet's Hidden Candy Store. That's one ya can't miss." Leena remarked. I squinted my eyes to make out the words on a sunshine yellow board. The words were curvy and twisted, sort of like pulled taffy. "I'm craving some sour patch kids right now. What about you guys?" Anya grasped her stomach. "Me too. I haven't had candy in forever. Please?" Ava tried to give me and Leena puppy eyes. "I'm not so sure about this. I don't know if I'd go in there." Something about this "hidden" candy shop made me squirm. "What? You scared?" Leena poked my sides. "NO!" I giggled. "Just something about this place makes me nervous." I played with my fingers. "C'mon!" Anya held the door open. Leena and Ava squeezed into the store and dashed towards giant lollipops. "Don't be scared!" Anya still held the door open impatiently. "Fine but if something bad happens, it's on you." "Ok! I'm fine with that because nothing gonna-" "HELLO! I'm the Mr. Fantabulous, Coolest candy chef in the world, Mr. Hatchet." A tall, slim man stepped into the room. He had an awfully long coat that brushed the floor. His outfit was purple velvet and had a sewn on "H" on his jacket pocket. His velvet leggings hugged his kneecaps creating a great crease across his legs. He had a perky top hat covering the withering amounts of hair left on his head. His face was cold and wrinkled. His lips were curled into a tight grin. "That's when you applause." His grin stretched to an unsatisfied frown. "Um" Ava clapped and then so did everyone else. Except me. "Why aren't you clapping small child?" "I'm not clapping because I don't like this, you smell weird, these are generic candies, and you look like a wannabe Willy Wonka. That, That's why I'm not clapping. Oh and I'm not a small child." I folded my arms across my chest. "Geez. Someone's sour. Try a free sample of Mr.Hatchet Sweetening sweeter sweet sweater candy." "I WANT IT!" Anya dived for the candy. SHe shoved it into her mouth like a blood thirsty wolf. "Yum. A little bitter for a sweetening candy." Anya swalloed the candy almost whole." "Well I always say, bitter makes better bitter fighter. It's kinda like fighting fire with fire."
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