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Good Morning!

I wanted to reach out and express interest in joining No Big Deal. My current raid team had some ongoing drama that began in early October and the last officers and raiding core has finally decided that we can no longer continue to play as a group. I've previously raided with Phailwarrior, and have been friends with him for several years; while discussing the issues with my current guild he suggested that I apply with NBD. I've also raided with Pope, Krunk, and Zesty and they similarly expressed an interest in having me apply.

Character Information -
Name: Sakagaa-Mal'ganis
Class: Paladin
Spec: Holy
Uldir Logs:

There are two things that I would need to let any guild officer know before being able to join a new raid team.

First is that my wife and I are going to Japan for our 10-year anniversary in March and will be gone for 3 weeks (March 19-April 9) and due to this trip I would miss any overlapping raid days. I've always prided myself on being a mechanically sound player that is always available, so the timing of needing to look for a new guild and knowing that I have an upcoming (and long planned) vacation is one of my biggest apprehensions about the process. I don't want to put any guild in a position to bring me in to their core and then possibly be out for the end of progression, assuming the next raid lasts as long as Uldir did for US250+. It's something I want to be fully up front about. I also want to say that outside of the vacation I will always be available and always put in the same level of effort to ensure the raid team is progressing and clearing content.

The second thing is that I do not have a working mic. I am always available to participate in discussion in Discord and in game, and will always follow instructions and raid calls, but voice comms are something I've never really done while playing and now that my wife works from home it's not something I would change.

I've been actively raided since classic and have cleared every raid on highest difficulty with the exception of Black Temple/Sunwell (guild fell apart) and Tomb of Sargeras (guild transferred then fell apart during Maiden).

At this time I am not applying to other guilds or marking myself as looking for guild. The idea of being able to find a new home, continue raiding and play with friends again is something I'm very much interested in and would appreciate the opportunity to prove myself worthy of before I look anywhere else.

Please let me know if you'd like to discuss anything further or move forward. I appreciate your time. Thank you.
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Regards; Team

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