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Sania Tucker
North traded and the South had plantations
North had small farms and South slave labor
North was free and South was un-free
Missouri Compromise 1820:
to maintain a balance of slave and free states in representations.
In the North they were concerned about expanding slavery.
In the South they learned the importance of maintaining the balance of Senate votes from slaves and free states.
Western Expansion 1820-1860:
Began with Louisiana Purchase
God-given right to expand lands,democracy throughout the country
They created a debate over states rights,supremacy of the national government, and inclusion of states as either slave or free
Nullification Crisis:
tariff raised taxes on imported goods
The North emerging industries would benefit
The South repealed the nullification;states' rights continued to develop
Denmark Vesey Plot 1822:
alleged planned slave rebellion in Charleston
In the North they fueled the abolitionist movement
In the South the slaves were strong
Compromise of 1850:
CA entered the Union as a free state, outlawed the slave trade in Washington D.C., popular sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Law
POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY: the people in the territory decide if free or slave territory.
In the North they didn't like the Fugitive Slave Law
In the South they were upset the balance of slave and free slaves. SC strongly supported Fugitive Slave Laws

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