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about my family my father owns 3 companies out of which all of them are public limited and one of them is a multinational company
my mom is a house wife
we live in a joint family like our grand parents and 1 of my uncle lives with us with his family
i basically have 3 uncles all of them are investment bankers and the biggest uncle age wise owns a media related firm named mediamorph in USA link is
my other uncle owns a holdings company that's related to stocks and stuff & the last uncle owns a partnership in owning a bank in dubai.
though they also own a restraunt that's quite alot popular in kuwait and all of my uncles are partners in my dad's company, so this was about my parents and family.

now about me:
tbh my parents doesnt love me that much and i am just like a paying guest in my own house
they love my sister more
I dont get any pocket money or anything
I earn through the shares i've bought in my dad's company that I bought through spending all my savings at 8 year old.
i've got 42% share in one company, 38% in other and 40% in another
i pay for my own homeschooling
pay for my car and everything
so its like i'm not that guy who is needy to his parents
they really think i am a problem child, they've even some times said that they wish I was never there child, sometimes i wish i could just kill my self :'(
I've been through ragging, bullying, hates and so many stuff :( no one really loves me. I might look like a happy person but i never am I'm always crying inside.
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