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alexh303Today at 4:28 PM
I have news for you. Plz respond ASAP
SUKIJamesToday at 5:35 PM
alexh303Today at 5:35 PM
SUKIJamesToday at 5:35 PM
sorry for late response
alexh303Today at 5:35 PM
I got something important to tell you
This is going to be a long message so please be patient
SUKIJamesToday at 5:35 PM
alexh303Today at 5:40 PM
I’ll be honest with you: I’m ngl but when I asked how much for you would offer for elven prince I didn’t actually have one. So what I did was I went on a mission to get the elven prince! Of the course of my journey I found out that it was so rare and almost unobtainable! I finally found one owner who told me they would trade it to me for 125k. I unfortunately I didn’t have 125k so I sent them 90k. They said that because I have a poor offer they would harshly decline but then I said I would add thinking about you and your dream item and we managed to settle for 110k for elven prince! I know have elven prince it I realized I couldn’t take your old offer based on what I gave to get it. I was looking through your items and I was delighted to see you had my dream item:CW Ultimate Ruby Rapture! I’ve been wanting it ever since I joined Roblox. Even though it’ll be a 5k loss for what I have for elven. I could say I completed the mission. This would be the most perfect trade for both of us because we both get our dream item!!! :smiley:
SUKIJamesToday at 5:41 PM
alexh303Today at 5:41 PM
SUKIJamesToday at 5:43 PM
alexh303Today at 5:43 PM
SUKIJamesToday at 5:43 PM
if you gave 110k for an item like elven
alexh303Today at 5:44 PM
I don’t need ruby anymore
SUKIJamesToday at 5:44 PM
and after i offered 75k max
.. just why
and just
no thanks
alexh303Today at 5:44 PM
Wait what was the 75k offer?
SUKIJamesToday at 5:44 PM
i figured you probably were just using me to get offers on it anyway
idk i don't really want to offer it anymore if you gave 110k for it
75k is already way out of my budget to go and keep something that'll eventually crash
alexh303Today at 5:45 PM
It’s okay I rechecked and I only actually gave 80k :smiley: we all good now? Phew...
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Regards; Team

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