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While the barriers that have separated the various scholarly disci lines in social science have fallen less readily than the walls of Jericho, they have, nonetheless, been giving way to the probing and analysis of scholars in various fields. In fact the time has arrived when one may readily admit to having embraced the interdisciplinary approach without apology and with a firm belief that the extension of the frontiers of knowledge demand it. The importance of psychology, economics, history, politics, and sociology to one another is readily conceded. In support of this, a voluminous bibliography could be cited of works which would extend from the nineteenth century trail- blazers of modern social science to the investigations of innumerable teams of scholars who are currently engaged in joint research projects from Harvard University to the University of California. We need mention only a few names such as Talcott Parsons, Erich Fromm, Harold Lasswell, T. W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, and C. Wright Mills, from among the many who have pointed to the importance of reciprocal relations among the social sciences. Furthermore, the signal importance of the social sciences to the fields of medicine, law, and religion is now well recogni zed. However, the interdisciplinary interest lends itself and offers promise at still another level and dimension. Despite the reservations and resistance of some, it may be argued that the importance of the humani ties and arts to social science should not be ignored. Artists and drama tists along with poets, novelists, essayists, and others have concerned themselves with human behavior, institutions, values, socio-political problems and the like. Taleott Parsons, The Social System Glencoe: The Free Press, 1951). Taleott Parsons, Robert F. Bales and Edward Shils, editors, Working Papers in the Theory of Action (Glencoe: The Free Pres, 1953) Harold Lll, Psychopathology and Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930). Sebastian De Grazis. The Political Com- munity (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948). T. W. Adorno and others, The Authoritarian Personality New York: Harper& Brothers, 1950). 162
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