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Hi Shilpa, I Love You
I am so much confused in between two girls. I don't know whom I love the most. Both the girls are excellent in their behavior. They have very good nature. Both the girls enjoy my company and I also enjoy their company. But I do not know whom I give the preference in love. I love both of them and I am quite sure that they also love me. If I propose anyone of them, they will firstly deny my proposal but I am sure that with some efforts they will accept my proposal. I am just scared of one thing that if I propose Shilpa then I will loose second one and if I propose other one then I will definitely loose Shilpa. That is why, I don't want to loose them and I have one weak side that I fall in love with that girl who shares his secrets with me and I don't go for the Looks. What I want is honesty. But truly speaking I personally don't have the honesty, I am in Love with two girls and that is why I am not able to propose any one of them. They Both are waiting for my proposal but I don't have that much courage to speak because I am scared that if I make a proposal to anyone of them then I will definitely loose the friendship too. I know about Shilpa, she is a nice girl and has a very straight forward nature. She is very strict and and stone hearted from outside, but from deep inside the heart she has a very kind nature and soft hearted. She is very good and one thing what I mostly like about her is his smile and his soft hands. She is living alone now and because of this I always make a try to keep her smiling. I try to keep in contact with her, but sometimes she ignore my messages. I don't know why she try to ignore me sometimes but it can be just a thought. I want to propose Shilpa but I am scared from the after effects of the Love. Because i don't want a Love marriage. i love my MOM and DAD too much. That is why I cannot even try to spoil their dreams. Yes, I Belong to a poor family and I want to be successful in my Life. I want to earn more and more money. I never want to stop in Life. These steps always take my Love away from me. Yes, I accept that I never had a Girlfriend in my Life. I still have many friends but still I feel alone sometimes and at that time, books become my best friends and pen and paper became my friends. Whenever, I feel alone then I start writing about my feelings and these are the feelings which I can't share with anyone. I am fully filled up with these hidden feelings. Yes, I look happy from outside but no one can understand my inner feeling. I just want that someone understand my feelings and stand with me. I always stand with my friends and whenever they need my help I always help them out. I am feeling lonely and currently writing this letter to myself and I know that no one can read this letter and if by chance Shilpa read this message, then I don't know how she will react. I scared of Shilpa because she is very simple and I scared of her tears. I haven't saw her tears and I will feel myself a loser if she cries in front of me. i remember that day when Robert told me that Shilpa was crying in the office due to some reasons. I felt very sad after hearing that news and immediatly called Shilpa and I made her happy at that moment. Every time I am successful in giving a smile to someone I feel a KICK in myself. For this smile I can do anything. I am very kind hearted and very soft from inside I am crying from inside while writing this letter. You must be laughing on what I have written and I have written this letter in ENGLISH because in this Language I can hide my feelings and in any language except HINDI i can't express my feelings in words that is why I used this Language. No One will Read this message because I am deleting this message. I wish that Shilpa read this message but I can't show this message to anyone because this message made me cry and made you cry as well.
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