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Name: Willow Brown
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Irish
Bloodtype: O
Sexuality: Lesbian
Talent: Ultimate Herbalist
Likes: Moonlight walks.
Dislikes: Insects.
Appearance: 5'10. Shoulderlength, curly dark ginger colored hair. Has heavily tanned skin, which is a due result from working in Sun all dwy, and has dark freckles all over her face and her body. She's incredibly skinny and is practically close to being nothing but skin and bones. B cups.
Willow normally wears a dark green t-shirt with a apron over the top of it, which is normally stained with dirt and other stains on the front. She wears baggy oversized jeans and old rubber boots. She wears a dark red bandanna to the her hair back with and braids her hair back in knee long braid along her back.
Her more casual outfit consists of an unstained green t-shirt with floral designs on it, though it's still a few sizes too big for her. She also wears more fitting jeans and tennis shoes. She wears her hair down normally and wears it back with a regular white headband with a dark greenbow attached.
For her formal outfit, she wears a jade green sweater with white stripes on it. She wears an ankle length long, white skirt and dark brown knee length heeled boots, with large silver hoop earrings and a silver necklace.
Personality: Willow is a calm, and sweet, young woman. She rarely ever raises her voice and never has a bad word to say about anyone, even if they didn't like her. She keeps her cool in tough situations, though knows how to calm people down who are upset or angry. Despite this, she is known to be incredibly absent minded and ditzy. She often forgets where she leaves things, forgets to change her clothes before important events, or even forgets what day of the week it is when she stays out in her garden for too long.
Backstory: Willow lived a mostly introverted lifestyle in the outskirts of the Irish countryside. She lived there with her aunt after both of her parents died of an unknown illness, which mysteriously killed both of them at a young age. Her aunt, a trained herbalist, taught her all she knew and homeschooled her until middle school to do so. She eventually was sent to normal schooling, but still enjoyed a rigorous gardening schedule out of school.
Iris Brown: Willow's aunt and primary guardian. Similar to Willow, she's a very sweet and calm person, who specializes in making cures to poison. Despite this, she seems to have a more sinister underlying personality which can be easily seen if one were to prod enough or spend time around her...

Name: Rhys Walker
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: British
Bloodtype: B+
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Talent: Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Speciaist
Likes: Horror Movies.
Dislikes: Rainstorms, Big crowds.
Appearance: 6'2. Shoulderlength, wavy dark brown hair and very pale skin. He has a beauty mark below his lower lip and has light freckles over his cheeks and nose area, and has a light stubble around his chin. He's very skinny and frail, and isn't very muscular.
Normally, Rhys wears a green beanie on his head. He wears an oversized trench coat with multiple pockets along the side, and wears a light green t-shirt with a paw pattern on it. He also wears baggy jeans. Under all of his clothes, he wears a complete protective body suit at all times with kneepads atop his knees(though they're hard to see). He wears gloves at all times.
For his formal outfit, he wears a black t-shirt with a tux pattern over it and black jeans. He wears black tennis shoes with white stripes on the side and wears a back beanie.
Personality: Rhys, to most upon first appearance, is seen as the typical eccentric. He tends to be highly paranoid and usually locks himself in his room for hours at a time, rarely even leaving to go and eat food. He only eats canned food he makes and always makes sure to wear his gloves when touching things and gets freaked out when he physically has to. He tends to list off useless facts and can become slightly ranty when he has to, but despite his paranoia, he can overcome it if he has to when he needs to be brave. He knows survival techniques and can easily defend himself in hand to hand combat as well.
Backstory: Rhys was born to a small family of a mostly absent father and a mother who spent more of her time drinking then actually taking care of her son. He spent most of his time with his uncle, who introduced him to horror movies when he wasn't even 5 or 6. He seemed to begin to genuinely believe there was a chance of an apocalypse happening and from the age of 8, he began studying.
He used the "research" from other websites that could help him, and even obsessively watching zombie movies in order to take what he could from the zombie movies and documentaries when he could. He even began to skip school to do this research, somehow barely managing to make it through the years with the poor grades he did earn. When he finally did graduate, he went to live a totally isolated lifestyle on his own without disturbances.

Name: EMI
Gender: Female
Age: 18(physically)
Nationality: Japanese
Bloodtype: None
Talent: Ultimate Idol
Likes: Parties.
Dislikes: Sitting Still.
Appearance: 5'3. Shoulderlength, wavy, pale pink hair with a curly ahoge.. She's pretty pale(or at least her hologram is), and is meant to look slightly curvy, but not to the point of being totally noticeable. She also has a permanent blush on her face and has turquoise colored eyes.
Emi's hologram (or most human appearance), keeps her hair separated into two separate drills in front of her hair and two separate drills on the back of her head. She puts in a white music note barette in the front of her hair, above her bangs. She wears a magenta long sleeved dress that reaches her knees with white lace along the edges and white buttons along her chest. She also wears a pink and white bow around her neck, and has long white tights with black buckle shoes.
Her robot form is made of all white metal, excluding her face. She has a blush painted on both of her cheeks, to sort of parody off her normal blushing face. Her hair is completely organaic, and similar to her hologram version, it's made into four separate twin drills and she can still style it different ways if she wants. She has bright turquoise eyes that can blow in the dark. She wears a kneelength, magenta dress with a collar that slightly covers her mouth and has white frills lining her dress as well, with a pale pink now around her neck. She wears what seem to be black buckle shoes.
For her formal outfit, she wears a pale pink ballgown type dress that has a slit to show off her legs, with fake gems encrusted in the top. She wears white high heeled sandals and keeps her hair all down in curls, and puts in a gem barette in her hair as well.
Personality: Emi, to most of her fans at least, is a cheerful and sweet girl. She adores meeting her fans, despite not being given much of a chance to do so often, and has a charm that most find to be irresistible due to her sweet and kind persona. But, despite how she acts around fans, she seems to put on a different persona when she isn't around them. Despite still making sure to be kind and sweet it's more obvious of her ignorance and naivety of the regular world, and despite obviously not being a person, she thinks she is one. She completely denies the person if they say she's a robot and gets mad if they keep saying it, since she truly believes she is a person and can easily feel emotions like a real one. She doesn't understand when she's being used or not, but can still detect sarcasm at times. She also literally will never swear since she thinks is mean and genuinely never wants to hurt anyone's feelings. Despite being an idol, which she does enjoy, she still dreams of living a normal life.
Backstory: Emi was made to be an idol, in the quite literal way. In order to try and fight back against the fads of modern jpop and kpop live playing bands, they began to create the perfect idol audiences seemed to be attracted to; and eventually, Emi was born. Though attracting a small fanbase at first, she began to eventually garner worldwide attention and became quite popular in both Western and Eastern media. She began to travel worldwide in order to perform in concerts, and since she was programmed to actually be happy with performing what would have exhausted any normal performer.

Name: Setsuko Saito
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Nationality: Japanese
Bloodtype: AB-
Sexuality: Lesbian
Talent: Ultimate Judoka
Likes: Flowers, Sweets.
Dislikes: Snow.
Appearance: 5'8. Backlength, straight, turquoise colored hair(which is dyed. Her natural hair color is black.) Green eyes. She's slightly tanned and has more of an obvious muscular physique, but had pretty big boobs(which she hates, so she tends to hide them with a binder.) F cups.
Setsuko normally wears her hair up into twin buns, in order to manage her hair better, and keeps a white workout headband around her head at all times. She wears her normal white judo uniform at almost all days with her black belt wrapped around her waist, and the binder she wears(which is black in color) is obvious.
For her formal outfit, Setsuko wears a knee length navy blue dress with a black wrap around bow, with a black dress coat as well. She keeps her down and let's it cover an entire half of her face and keeps it down with slight waves, and wears black flats.
Personality: Setsuko is a very honor bound person. She is always truthful and would never hurt a soul, or at least she says so, and encourages others to tell the truth as well. She's also incredibly prideful with her strength and refuses to be seen as "weak" at all times, to the point of suppressing her emotions to not seem that way. She always makes sure to protect those who are weaker then her, but can get incredibly angry if worked up badly enough to the point of breaking this honor bound code and can very well hurt someone pretty badly because of this, though she would never kill. She's still pretty traditional due to how she was raised, but truly wants to look for new better things.
Backstory: Setsuko was born to a family who was still very deep into tradition and still owned a studio which practiced judo. Bringing his daughter into the program from a young age, after getting nearly 5 daughters while desperately wishing for her son and taking his youngest to raise as one, her father began to admit her into competitions grudgingly when she finally grew old enough to. She stands as the undefeated champ of her studio, due to defeating her father nearly ten times over and winning his respect due to this. She never made many friends growing up due to judo being her whole life and doesn't mind this.
Daki Saito: Setsuko's father. A stone faced man of tradition, he tends to be a bit overprotective of all his daughters to the point of it seeming rather ridiculous. He set up all his oldest daughters into marriages and is debating on thinking of setting up his oldest daughter into one as well, which she silently accepts since she thinks she's bound to
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