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Name: Amelia (CM300)
Programmed age: 22
Released: 2029
Gender: Female
Android or human: Android
Deviant: Yes
What was their past like?: Amelia is a CM300 domestic android and was owned by Naomi Allen before she deviated.
She was released in 2029 and Naomi got it as a 14th birthday gift. She and Amelia were very close as Amelia helped her through out school. In 2036 Naomi moved away from her parents into a small apartment with Amelia.
Naomi had a friend named Harper that hated the fact that Naomi had an android and stated she should just get rid of it. Naomi denied Harper's request and soon lost contact with her. Though Harper broke in November 2038 and tried to attack Amelia and steal her so she could sell her to some delinquents.
Amelia awoke (or deviated) and threw a vase at Harper in panic. She left a note to Amelia explain what happened and fled the sight with some clothes she stolen from Amelia.
Amelia was left on her own and she threw her LED away in some public close to Naomi's apartment. With some stolen money she was able to get a fake ID and disguised as a normal human before an android that she bumped into gave her a key to Jericho.
Did she go to Jericho?: Yes
Appearance: She has long blonde hair that goes down to her lower back. She has green eyes man freckles over her body (such as on her cheeks, forehead, some scattered on her neck, quite a lot on her hands and body). She also had an LED ring on her left temple to distinguish her as an android and indicate her mental status.
Her uniform was a cropped racing jacket that was mainly black and white at the top. She had her code "CM300" on the top left. Underneath she had a plain white tank top and also wore plain black shorts. For footwear she had white boots that when up to her knees.
After she ran away she stole some clothes from Naomi. She stolen a crocodile green jacket, a white t-shirt that she tied into a note, ripped jeans and plain black sneakers. She also took a cap but later ditched that after she removed her LED.
Personality: Amelia was raised to appreciate the world around her and even if people protest against androids not all humans want androids to die therefore not all humans are bad. Therefore Amelia normally doesn't have anything against humans unless their anti-android or if they torture androids for the fun of it. Amelia sometimes hurts people in stressful situations and it's unsure why she does this but it's probably mostly out of panic. She is normally quite kind and is to get along with. She also likes to talk about androids pasts and see if there is anyway they can dig up their past and start a new life. She is a pacifist but is willing to get her hands dirty if she's in danger.
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