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Professor Heathcote here. I'll be your Astronomy's Professor for Hogwarts Event! Please kindly not underestimate this lesson, since it's related to Muggles. I've added some supplementary rules and overview for our lesson. Read it carefully, okay? -grins-

--> Astronomy Class for HE10'll be different from other HE, I've learned all of the mistakes from last year and tried to amended it. Due to short period of lesson, somethings'd be changed.

1. Pretend that the class is held during the night. So students are allowed to do the stargazing since this year, we'll mostly learn about objects in the sky. TELESCOPE is a must.
2. The materials of the class had been given before. So students are able to read and discuss it first. Since I don't want to rush in explaining materials and the student ended up not understanding anything like last years. The class'll be include: Stargazing, Question and Answer Sessions. Means students are allowed to ask in a long time and I'll be able to answer your question one by one.
3. Better attend the class rather than failed by attendance, kay?
4. Deadline of the Assignment'd be in the same date the assignment is given, but the deadline would be at 24:00 or 00:00. I'd give tolerance to submit the assignment the day after at 07:00 AM, but you wouldn't get more than A ( +10 ).

Other rules:
1. No borrowing equipment, bring your own!
2. Maximum duration of late arrival is 15 minutes, please tell the reason why you're late.
3. If you're unable to attend the class, inform me directly too my room ( DM ).
4. Don't fall asleep during the class.
5. Discussion/Talking in class are allowed but don't make any fuss by shouting loudly.
6. Don't touch anything in the tower, unless I told you to.
7. Obey the general rules ( HE's rules ).
8. You may eat desserts or snacks during the class, but maintain the cleanliness.
That's all. Be active too during my class and you may cut the formality by calling me Prof. Veronica or Prof. Ve for short. Thank you for reading this notes and rules. DON'T make any trouble or freak out, okay?

Best Regards,
Professor Veronica Heathcote
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Regards; Team

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