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How Robotics Goods-to-person Systems Are Benefitting The Warehouses

The goods-to-person (GTP) systems have been in the market for decades. However, with the latest technologies and software advancements are enabling crucial improvements not only in the efficiency and inventory management but also in functionality and space utilization as well. This system is bringing automation in the warehouse, making it more efficacious and productive as well as leading to perfection. Before dwelling into the deep, let’s take a look on the robotic goods-to-person system.

Goods-To-Person System: An Overview:

Putting the focus on the Robotic goods-to-person environment, where on one hand. the pickers remain at their workstations, on the other hand, a software-driven automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS). Delivers and conveyors needed Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) directly for ordering the picker’s workstation in a designated SKU donor tray. In the pick-put to voice and /or pick-put to light technologies that are directed by the RF, pickers select the quantity needed of the SKUs from the tray and further put the chosen items into a container, assigned to a particular order. Once the items’ number is selected and put into the correct order location, the Stock Keeping Unit tray are back to the AS/RS for put-away to a different workstation, needing the identical SKU.

How Robotic Goods-To-Person Is Empowering Warehouses?

There are lots of benefits that the robotic goods-to-person systems offer to the warehouses. Few of them are mentioned below:

Order Picking Travel Time:

As it is already mentioned above that in the GTP environment, all the work comes directly to the workstations, which result in reduced time consumed in travel along with enhanced individual productivity and potentially eliminated FTE needs. The robotic goods-to-person operation efficaciousness is particularly significant when companies are managing a very slow-moving Stock keeping units.

System Scalability

The GTP systems are well-renowned for being highly scalable and flexible. It enables the store owners in adding another aisle of their preferred automated retrieval technology simply and quickly with a new bank of pick/put workstations and their system instantly scales up for meeting the requirements and demand.

Order Accuracy

This system offers frequently point for enhanced accuracy. It offers the correct product delivery to the order picking workstations. It is capable of eliminating the opportunity for the mis-picks and easily exceed 99+ percentage of order accuracy. Also, it can send real-time data or order delivery.

Smaller Footprint/Better DC Cube Utilization

The automated retrieval systems in the GTP operations are more condensed horizontally, allowing for a smaller footprint. They can be constructed up to 100 ft high-an elevation, far exceeding the range of even the tallest reach and turret trucks. Along with this, the DCs (Distribution centers) with the taller clear heights (40 feet & over) take advantages the most from the GTP systems with AS/RS technologies.

About GreyOrange Pte Ltd.:

The company is in the industry for more than a decade. By offering a comprehensive range of warehouse automation systems such as AMRs, automated picking, packaging, parcel sorting systems, GreyOrange has established itself as a leading supply chain automation company. Backed by a team of skilled and energetic professionals, holding rich experience in the automation field, the company offers robust support and maintenance services as well. All the advanced systems and software packed with the latest technology are available at the organization at affordable prices. The variety of solutions can be checked by visiting the official website of GreyOrange.

For more information you can visit online.

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