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1. Well, I have been on Bakiez for a few months now. Although I was employed on my old account and had spent many months working at Bakiez but that account is no longer in use. I know how to train efficiently, I know how to interview and I know how to bake and make drinks off by heart.

2. On a scale of 1-10, I'd say I am a nine on a scale of being strict.

3. I am extremely active, I am on the Bakery every single day for at least 4 hours. So in my opinion I'd say a good 10.

4. I wish to join the Bakiez Management Team as I'd like to help keep the trollers and exploiters out of the Bakery. It would also be a wonderful experience, especially with how welcoming all the Management members are. Not only that, I would work very hard and I'd make sure to be active. I would also be very helpful in terms of trollers and exploiters etc.

5. I am qualified to join the Management Team as I can word very efficiently, I'm friendly with helping people and I know how to train and interview by heart. I am very active as I've said before and I would be as dedicated as I have been so far. I've been on the Bakery for at least 4-5 hours a day, working. I'm also very good in trolling situations and know how to handle it.

6. As I've said before, you should hire me over others as I'm very hard-working and dedicated when it comes to things such as this. I know exactly what to do in trolling situations and if someone needs help with anything. I've learnt as much as I can off by heart and I'm always happy to work at Bakiez. I do it for the fun because there is no other Cafe/Restaurant that is as fun and welcoming as Bakiez. I remember when I was a Chef, I used to help Trainees, Cashiers and even Chefs when they needed help or if they had questions. I also helped Cashiers in trolling situations, told Community Moderators and caught people AFK in the kitchen etc.

7. A leader is someone who motivates others to carry out the goals they are set. They also help people in times of need and they'd need to own leadership qualities to make people want to follow in their footsteps. Leadership qualities are things such as being inspiring, having commitment and being creative etc. This person would have ideas on how to improve the Bakery and the customers experiences. The leader would always try to be better than they think they can be.

8. I think I'll have a big impact on Bakiez as I'm such a hard worker, yet so friendly and easy to talk to. I'm very good to ask as I know pretty much everything around the Bakery and I can deal with trollers/exploiters easily. I've been immensely active on the Bakery due to me enjoying working there so much and the workers and High Ranks are extremely friendly towards everyone. I'd be the person who people won't be scared to come to talk to if they need help. I also have a lot of ideas on how to improve the Bakery and the customers experiences.

9. When it comes to achieving my goals, I end up being very dedicated to complete that. My goals would be to achieve the highest rank I can and to be able to know pretty much everything about the bakery so if anyone had any questions I'd know the answer no doubt. I would also aspire to help others and lower ranks as much as I could so they too could achieve their dreams and goals at Bakiez.

10. My time zone is GMT, which is Greenwich Mean Time.
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