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Empathic response:
Act 3 Page 103 - 109: Walter is reflecting in his room about the events that have previously occurred including Willy Harris taking the money and the consequences he may face due to this. Towards the end he eavesdrops on Beneatha's conversation and decides to speak to Mr Linder to sell the house and make a lot of money out of it.
This bed has never felt better, finally got some time to reflect on what I’ve been caught in. How could I be so careless? I tossed hopes, dreams and thoughts of starting something new away like it was trash. I got carried away, carried away by that Willy Harris who promised I’d be rich in no time. He’s got our check in his back pocket and he be enjoying himself. Guess I can’t trust anyone but family now can I? But will my family trust me? Have I gone too far for forigval now? Was I too carried away in my ideas to think things through?
Why did I have to invest in the liquor store in the first place? Driving someone all day replying with yes sir and no sir hasn’t done me any good. Don’t wanna serve anyone, just can’t take the fact that I know I got nothing in my future. I still dream of being like them white men enjoying themselves in those posh looking areas.
I always wanted to be the best role model for Travis, a dad he would look up to, feel inspired by, to go out in the real world and make some good coin. The closet thing I had to offer him are the stories bout them rich white people enjoying themselves, seeing him sleep on the couch every night pains me before I sleep. Money is my way to solve this.
I followed idiots, and one took off as a cheat. They left a mark on me, one that I will never forget and hope to get rid of. I long for when I can make them undergo the sheer pain I have gone through. Thought Willy and Bobo were guiding me to riches, once again I was wrong.
How was Bobo not able to secure our money! Couldn’t he have been more careful about Willy? The shame in his eyes when he came to deliver the news. But how could I blame him? We both stand in shame and grief.
Why did Willy have to do this? Just even more desperate to make a fortune for his family, all men trying to bring the most coin home. He left me to hang, a coward using those around him and trying to disappear with what he gained. Whatever he may be doing with Mamas money, I hope he loses it all on any poor decision he is bound to make. If my family can’t have money that rightfully belongs to us, the guy who stole it certainly doesn’t deserve it as well. If only I could get my fingers around his neck someday, taking out all the rage into tightening the grip around his fragile throat.
Alright, I need to focus, focus on how to help myself now, fury and rage won’t solve any of it. Yes I made a fool out me self. I need to figure out how I’m gonna make it through from now.
How will I face my family? What should I do to earn their apology. Not to forget, the baby!

Another mouth to feed, more pressure on me since the baby ain’t aborted. To hear Ruth say she was going to abort the baby, was a shock paining me to see how desperate she was herself to help the “alive” members of our family. Ruth wouldn’t think of no such things, but she was ready to do it, clearly shows the woman under a lot of stress. Was I the cause for all the torture she been through? In our eyes, the money was a sign of hope that we somehow could feed one more mouth. But now, those choices we made, were they right? Ruth was in a uplifting mood after the cheque came in. We were going out as a couple! Spending time together that didn’t have us fighting like we do every morning. This was our chance at a fresh start, the only one we may ever get. Once the money was gone again the glow in Ruth's face disappeared, the hope was lost. How can I be a husband to her when all I have done is taken away her hope. Dreams just destroyed, for the both of us.
I had no rights to touch Mamas money. She should have been in charge of using it all. I respect Mama for trusting me with some of the money, don’t know if that will ever happen again. We probably won’t receive cheques like those in a long time. Mama was a woman of strength, but her face now looks pale, weak.
Wait is that Beneatha and Asagai talking outside? I hear Beneatha is very upset and irritated with the situation. Beneatha being a clever witted girl would find the first chance she has to spew fire over me.
I manage to catch her talking about her ambitions with the money, to become a doctor, play god, achieve great things in her life. All the hard work she put in, the endless hours of drowning in book after book, it all collapsed on her cuz now she aint got no cash in hand. Because of me, I used her education money as well, I lost her future.
But what? Now Asagai wants her to come to Africa with him? She declined, I know my sister, she wouldn’t leave us. It’s my responsibility to make the money so she can achieve her dreams without leaving us. As a brother, I need to do this for her future, no matter the cost.
What's going to happen next? Wait, wasn’t Mr Linder ready to offer us a huge load of cash through selling our house back? Beneatha would get her money for education back. That wouldn’t solve everything though will it? It’s a start, and I’d better make that phone call soon to call him back. Hopefully this time I redeem myself, show my family I can achieve something.

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