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Komaeda and Pat- they live together in the facility after Komaeda sort of wondered on site on accident a few years back and now he's sort of stuck there due to how sick he is. Campbell and Petunia. Campbell has never spoken a word before in his life, despite being nearly four at this point, and white pretty anti-social behavior and tends to just stick to PikPoket, Pat, or Komaeda. He's pretty shy around pretty much all other kids his age and still is distant and sad when he's older, and basically was always totally mute, though it's hard to tell whether it's out of choice or not. Petunia is a pretty normal baby, though she's pretty spoiled due to the being the youngest, and likes being the center of attention. She exhibits similar behavior like Komaeda did on Jabberwock when she's older, though she's basically mimicking him instead of actually being serious.

PikPoket and Chiaki- Chiaki is basically forced to stay in the facility after being found soon after Komaeda, barely alive, and all of her classmates excluding Komaeda still think she's dead. She still acts pretty normally, like her old self, but misses her classmates and Hajime dearly and regularly asks about them when she sees Komaeda. Shes pretty attached to PikPoket since he's one of the few people who actually visit her and adores holding Petunia and Campbell.

Makoto and Avery - Makoto bumped into Avery on accident on the street when going to a meeting Togami was supposed to go to and he absolutely adores him. He loves holding hands with him and giving him affection when he can. Their only daughter is Josie; she's basically the perfect baby with picture perfect curls and a sweet smile, though she's frequently sick due to an illness she had from birth and has to spend a lot of time at the hospital. She doesn't make a lot of friends later in life and turns out to be extremely naive and childlike, even when she's in adulthood, and easily gets hurt.

Togami- Togami, instead of settling down after the killing games like in the normal verse, began to work his ass off to earn his money back. He got into a really bad argument with both Makoto and Kyoko where they all permanently cut ties, and is now one of the richest men in the world. He has a daughter named Alice, who's his only child from the only mistress he took, and she's basically a big scandal. She's hidden from media to the point of literally never leaving his home, and he acts extremely cold towards her, though does this to protect her from the harm the media could cause her. She's extremely shy and antisocial, and is literally afraid of everyone. Makoto, Togami, and Kirigiri all respectively don't want their names in their presence or they basically get pissed off.

Hajime and Miles - Instead of being forced to work a job he didn't want to, Hajime actually went to pursue a different career- which was actually game design, mostly inspired to do so by his "late" friend. He's more relaxed and easygoing then he is in normal verse, and actually is better friends with Komaeda as well. He adores Miles and his kids with every inch of his being, though they only have two kids; Kiibo and Wendy. Wendy is their adopted daughter, who's pretty sweet and outgoing, though she has an obvious attachment to Miles moreso Hajime.

Chihiro and Mondo- Ishimaru didn't reciprocate any sort of feelings for Mondo, mostly Since he didn't understand like the dumbass he is. Chihiro, who was never murdered or harmed by Mondo in this verse, began dating Mondo soon after. He's a lot more confident in himself and assertive then in the normal verse, though still is pretty shy.

Sonia and Gundam- Sonia became closer with Gundam this time around, mainly due to not having to be the third wheel anymore. Despite this, she doesn't really seem to notice any sort of romantic feelings directed towards her though their classmates assume they're a couple anyways so gg. Sonia would definitely be willing to have a child but neither of them should legally have a child, since Sonia keeps a kiss me launched in her apartment and Gundam is himself, so

Maki and Shuichi- Maki basically grew feelings for Shuichi, who quickly became her first friend with the help of Kaito, and basically asked him out before Ouma could ever try. They also become a pretty sad emo couple together in the future and probably have a couple of kids, and Maki deadass threatens to murder Ouma if he's even in the same room as Shuichi

Kyoko and Sameal- Kyoko, somehow, decided to give dating a chance and ran into Sameal at a park when walking to work one day. They eventually both adopt Javon and Ines, and though Kyoko tries to make time for both of them she has to work twice as hard as she usually does die to Togami basically dumping all his work on her and being forced to do it. She's a bit more depressed then she is in normal verse, due to never opening up more about her father's death, and because of the death of her grandfather - who died before she even came to the country. She basically sort of longs for a baby but also struggles with the fact she probably would never see it due to work and thinking she just wants it because of pressure from her grandfather.

Juzo and Riley- Juzo basically quit his job at the future foundation and stepped out from behind Munakata's shadow, and got a better life after going to live with Riley. He shows the same amount of affection and awkwardness as he does in normal verse, though is just a bit more relaxed.

Junko - Junko basically got amnesia and forgot what happened after the killing games, and became even more elusive to find afterwards. Instead of going around as Junko, she goes around as her former alias, Ryōko. She still has the experiment kids in this universe, who at all her biological children by an unknown male, though all of them live much happier lives then they did with Junko in normal verse due to Ryōkos more sweet nature- though due to her memory loss problem, she sometimes forgets where she left them. Though "Junko" isn't the prominent personality anymore Ryōko works it into her head she still has memory loss and basically makes herself forgetful because of this.

Mukuro - There is even less known about Mukuro's own where abouts after the killing games, though she eventually s

ettled down in town after getting pregnant by an unknown dude and going to raise her son, Lynn, on her own. She's pretty reserved and rarely ever leaves her apartment, though it's obvious she's struggling as a parent since she doesn't really know how to take care of herself or her kid.

Fuyuhiko - Instead of fully inheriting the yazuka or something, Fuyuhiko actually have it up in favor of living a normal life and ended up being pretty happy. His sister, Natsumi, and his niece also live with him and they all are actually pretty happy together.

Ibuki- Ibuki more or less became a lone wolf after graduating - she didn't do concerts anymore and travelled around in her van, though he plenty of money to afford better things. She has currently travelling around with Hagakure around the country.

Peko - Not a lot is actually known what happened to Peko- she simply got up, took her things, and left without warning. It completely broke Fuyuhiko and Natsumi's hearts that she did this and it's a pretty touchy subject still. She's still alive though.

Sayaka- Instead of retiring, Sayaka decided to keep touring instead- basically the biggest mistake of her life. Most days she forces herself to perform up on stage nowadays and works herself to near exhaustion on a daily basis to make up new dance routines, which takes a big toll on her to the point of where she layers herself in make up to cover up what she really looks like underneath. Her bandmates are no help and basically let her do all work herself.

Ryota - Ryota becomes a total shut in within his own little apartment and rarely ever comes out, as he orders food to be brought to him or Sonia or Akane being food to him.

Akane: Akane went on to own her very own restaurant on her own, though not because of her looks to her own surprise- but because of her own hardwork. She has no real change in personality, as she acts the same even in front of customers, and is still humble about her success to the point of saying "it's nothing" .

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