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All my parents like to fucking think about is food. It's always, "what's wrong with your banana?" or "did you bring your banana?" or "wake up a little earlier to eat breakfast" or "did you drink your milk?" Like what the fuck is wrong with these niggas. Like I get that eating and staying healthy is important, but at such a grind-y time like this, I can't be thinking about fucking food and what I'm going to eat for fucking lunch. I could eat a piece of cardboard if that meant I would be satisfied and sustained until my dinner of raw lumber. They don't say "wake up a little earlier to have a fresh look at your college apps" or "here's where some people with industrial engineering degrees end up" like I guess that shit isn't useful at all, who the fuck cares about anything beyond today. It's not like all I do is sit around at school, come home, fuck around on my laptop, come out for dinner, and then go to fucking sleep. It's not like I have the option to go to the gym the whole day, which sounds fucking great, have the only worry on my mind be about what the fuck I have to eat for lunch and what kind of fruit I can pressure my child into eating at dinner while eat a plate full of it for my dinner. I have actual problems to worry about that are just going to be so impactful on my future, I can't be worrying about these small minimalistic gay ass motherfuckers. It'd be nice to see that the advice I get is about college applications, potential colleges, potential areas of interest, potential career fields, instead of FUCKING potential meals. I guess maybe because the only thing keeping them from death is the Internet and a fucking banana. I really don't give a shit about my motherfucking fruit intake at this point. I can get a hold of my diet later. January 1 is just coming up way too soon, and I'm pretty sure my parents have forgotten about college applications in general after I submitted my UC apps. My dad says "apply for Stanford" since he thinks I have an actual chance of getting in, but who the fuck am I kidding. I'm doing these dumbass shits only for him. It's not like I actually want to go there. I'm sure Vani is basically in a similar situation. But now that the application deadline for Berkeley has passed, where has his go-to phrase "apply to Berkeley and Stanford, give yourself a chance" gone? Maybe he's just completely forgotten about them, just lumped them into one thing and then forgotten about them after I submitted my Berkeley app.
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