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Chef Training guide:

Hello and welcome to Chef trainings! I am Noah and over here is my partner (NAME). Today we shall be training you for the role of Chef and the responsibilities of one.

A Chef's responsibility is to make all of the wonderful pastries our customers adore!

As a Chef, you are supposed to stay in the kitchen and make the pastries but please don't AFK in the kitchen.

You take an order from the ordering board, make all pastries that are in that order contains, head to the ‘Complete Order’ Table, click the Table, and then press ‘Complete Order’.

This training will contain Trivia, a tour of the kitchen and then some order questions. So pay close attention!

We will start the training with the trivia questions, I will be PMing you the first one now, if you did not receive one, please tell me.

1. Are Chef's allowed to greet customers?
2. If there is an exploiter in the kitchen, what do you do?
3. If you mess up, what do you do with your tray?
4. If you see someone AFK in the kitchen, what do you do?
5. When is it a good time to cancel an order?

Alrighty! Now we are finished with Trivia, I will let my partner take over to give you the tour!

Hello everyone, I shall now give you a tour of the kitchen and show you the basic guidelines of a chef. Pay close attention, I shall be questioning you after! Follow me.

Please keep in mind that each pastry has a designated tray. If you grab the incorrect Tray, you will not be able to make the order.

This is the Muffin section. It includes the Muffin toppings, and the Muffin trays.

Muffins are made by doing this procedure: Tray + Muffin Batter + Bake + Flavor + ‘Complete Order’ Table.

This is the Cookie section. It includes the Cookie toppings, and the Cookie trays.

Keep in mind, this brown sprinkle looking one is sugar.

Cookies are made by doing this procedure: Tray + Cookie Dough + Bake + Flavor + ‘Complete Order’ Table.

This is the Cakepop section. It includes the Cakepop flavorings, sticks, and the Cakepop tray. Make sure to apply the Cakepop sticks before you submit the order.

Cakepops are made by doing this procedure: Tray + Cake Batter + Bake + Stick + Flavor + ‘Complete Order’ Table.

This is the Doughnut section. It includes the Doughnut toppings, the Doughnut trays, and the Icing.

Please keep in mind that you are required to add Icing after Baking, and before you add the Sprinkles.

This white substance is the Icing.

This brown substance is the glaze.

Doughnuts are made by doing this procedure: Tray + Doughnut Batter + Baking + Icing + Toppings + ‘Complete Order’ Table

This is the Cupcake section. It includes the Cupcake toppings, the Cupcake trays, and this machine is the Icing machine.

Please keep in mind that you are required to add Icing after Baking, and before you add the Sprinkles.

These are the Ovens. Once you have the batter in your tray, you come and click the ovens, and they will bake it for you!

You will know when it is finished baking when it says “DONE” in gray letters.

These are the Refrigerators. They include all of the batters. Remember, each batter shelf is different!

This is the ‘Complete Order’ Table, when you finish baking all of the pastries in your order, click here!

The ‘Complete Order’ Table can be used whenever you mess up, or something is bugged.

You could also press the "Delete Pan" button on the right side of your screen.

Alright, now that the tour is complete, any questions?

Okay! Now I shall be questioning you, follow me and be seated again please.

You will be timed 2 minutes for each question, go beyond that and you fail.

Remember to put ‘Complete Order’ Table at the end or that question won't count as a correct one.

I shall be PMing you the questions now, let me know if you did not receive one.

1. How do you bake a chocolate sugar cookie?
2. How do you bake a vanilla glazed doughnut?
3. How do you bake a chocolate blueberry muffin?

Alright, let me see your scores. Give me a moment.

Pass: Congratulations! You have passed your Chef training you have the right amount of points and expectations as a Chef! Your rank will show up in the Bakery, make sure to work hard. ^^

Fail: Unfortunately you have failed this training, but not to worry! You can always come back next session and try again!

Cashier Guide:

Hello and welcome to Cashier trainings! I am Noah and over here is my partner (NAME). Today we shall be training you for the role of Cashier and the responsibilities of one.

A Cashier’s responsibly is to greet customers, and take their orders. Then submitting the order(s) to the Chefs, which then the cashiers create the customers desired drink choice.

As a Cashier, you are meant to stay behind the counters, signed into the register taking orders from customers.

When a Cashier submits an order, they are supposed to go ahead and ask what the customer would like to drink, then make that drink item.

This training will consist of Trivia, and ordering.

Any questions before we begin?

Alright, we will start the training with the trivia questions, I will be PMing you the first one now, if you did not receive one, please tell me.

1. What is your greeting?
2. How many people can be signed in at once?
3. If there is no room behind the counters, where do you go?
4. After you submit an order, what do you do?
5. How many baked goods can you order at a time?

Alright, good job on Trivia! Now we will move onto the next stage. This stage consists of incorrect grammar sentences that I will PM you, try your best to correct them.

1. Hewo can i hame a mouffin
2. Hwo are u todway
3. i wove bakies but i hate meh trainer

Well done on the grammar portion! I will now be teaching you how to make drinks, and how to use the register.

I’ll teach you how to make Milkshakes, Teas, Coffees, and how to use the register.

Let’s start with making drinks!

The first drink will be Milkshakes! First, grab a Glass Cup.

In order to grab a Cup, bump into this table, and a bar at the bottom of your screen should show the cups.

Click the ‘Glass Cup’, it should show up in your inventory. Now, press ‘Close’ on the bar.

The recipe for a Milkshake is simple, it is: Glass Cup + Ice + Milk + Flavor + Blend.

Alrighty, that’s how you make Milkshakes! Please grab Mugs, Iced Cups, and Cups.

Now, I will show you how to make Teas.

Teas are simple, the recipe is: Mug + Hot + Tea Leaf.

Please remember to put your mug in the flavor before clicking it to make the Tea.

Alrighty! Now Coffees!

Let’s do Regulars, this one is simple, the recipe is: Cup + Regular Machine.

Now, Decafs: Cup + Decaf Machine.

Another simple one, Espresso: Cup + Espresso Machine.

Now, Cappuccinos, these are a bit harder, the recipe is: Cup + Regular Machine + Decaf Machine.

Americanos are also quite harder, recipe: Cup + Espresso Machine + Decaf Machine.

Lattes are even harder, the recipe is: Cup + Espresso Machine + Flavor + Milk + Cream.

Iced Coffees are exactly the same, except you need to have Iced Cups, and you need to add Ice before anything.

This is how you make drinks, any question(s)?

Alrighty! Now, follow me, and I’ll show you how to use the register!

Please stand behind a register, and follow my instructions.

Step 1: Sign into the register.

Step 2: Press ‘Take Order’, then a box should appear on your screen.

Step 3: Type in your Customer’s username so you can submit an order.

Step 4: Locate their username, and click your Customer’s username.

Step 5: Choose the pastry/pastries that they ordered.

Any questions?

Alrighty! We will now be moving on to the ordering stage!

I will come up to your register, and act like I am a Customer.

Remember to use your greeting, and ask me if I would like a drink.

Great job! Allow me to tally up your points to see if you passed this training!

Pass: Congratulations! You have passed your Cashier training you have the right amount of points and expectations as a Cashier! Your rank will show up in the Bakery, make sure to work hard. ^^

Fail: Unfortunately you have failed this training, but not to worry! You can always come back next session and try again!

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Regards; Team

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