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Constantine decided to move the capital of his government to?

Before he became a Christian, Emperor Constantine was a?

What made Constantinople an ideal trading center?
its government buildings and marketplaces
its wealth and resources
its thick walls and a moat
its strategic location and good harbors

Why were Justinian and Theodora an unusual royal couple?
He was a peasant, and she was a circus performer.
He was from a royal family, and she was one of his servants.
They began their lives as slaves.
She was a peasant and he was a soldier who fought his way up

During the reign of Justinian, the Byzantine Empire
rebuilt all of the Roman roads.
reached its greatest size.
experienced 40 years of peace.
was under constant attack.

All of the following became traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church EXCEPT
church services were conducted in Greek.
priests were allowed to marry.
the Byzantine emperor was head of the Church.
crosses were not allowed to appear in icons.

Why did the bishop of Rome feel justified in taking the title of pope?
Peter was the head of Church. So the bishop now should, too.
Jesus gave authority of his Church to the Roman Apostles.
Jesus was Roman, so he gave authority to all Roman bishops.
Rome had the largest and most important Christian community.

Why did Christian bishops adopt the Nicene Creed?
to give Christians a set of commandments to follow
to sort out conflicts between western and eastern bishops
to stop icon worship
to give the Church a set of religious beliefs about Jesus

The bishops of Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople were known as

The split that divided Eastern and Western Christianity into separate churches in 1054 is the
Great Divide
Great Schism
Great Split
Great Shift

The Byzantine Empire was continuously being attacked by enemies, including the
Persian Empire and the Turks. !
Russians and the Slavs.
Arabs and the Huns.
Italians and the Germanic tribes.

Which emperor ordered lawyers to organize the legal legacy of the Romans into a unified code?
Irene I

Libraries in Byzantine cities copied and preserved which of the following from Greece and Rome?

The most famous example of Byzantine architecture is the
Church of Justinian
Hagia Sophia.
Palace of the Emperors.
Constantinople Library.

Which missionary invented an alphabet for the Slavic language?
Michael III

What was one of the most lasting contributions of the Emperor Justinian?
the building of a new imperial capital, Constantinople
the spread of Christianity
a system of laws
the invention of "Greek fire"

At its peak, the Byzantine Empire extended from
Britain to southwest Asia and Egypt.
Italy to Egypt.
Egypt and southwest Asia to Spain.
Russia and the Ukraine to North Africa.

The best known Eastern Orthodox missionaries were two brothers named
Cyril and Methodius.
Justinian and Theodora.
Constantine and Peter.
Vladimir and Michael.

According to beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church, the pope
was allowed to marry.
opposed the worship of holy images.
would speak and read in Greek only.
would not recognize any ruler or emperor as his superior.

One reason that the Byzantine Empire grew rich was
its location at a trade route between Asia and Europe.
its vast deposits of gold and silver that could be mined.
its military strength.
it was a meeting place for Mediterranean pirates.

The Byzantine civilization believed in the importance of all of the following EXCEPT
preserving important works in libraries.
government-supported schools.
daily physical exercise for all people.
a published code of laws.

The people who lived in Constantinople were called

Missionaries spread Eastern Orthodox Christianity to
France and Germany.
Venice and Ravenna.
Eastern Europe and Russia.
the Persian Empire.

Byzantium, the city that Constantine chose as his new capital, was founded by the

Byzantine artists covered the interiors of their churches with
stained glass.
golden statues.

Groups within the Christian Church disagreed about all of the following EXCEPT
the use of icons.
the authority of the pope as the head of the Church.
whether priests could or could not marry.
the way to build churches.

The two forms of Christianity that resulted from the schism of 1054 were the
Christian Church and Islam.
Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Christian Church and Judaism.
Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church.

The Hagia Sophia was the first church to
have hanging lamps for light.
have a cross-shaped floor plan.
be built of concrete.
be topped by an enormous dome.

Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Byzantine Empire?
The city was burned down by Greek fire.
The city was severely damaged by Turkish gunpowder.
The empire had grown too large to maintain.
Christian crusaders attacked it.

The early Christian Church survived because
it had a strong organization.
followers built churches wherever they went.
it had so many followers.
it had the support of all Roman emperors.

Why was Constantinople easier to defend than Rome?
It was built on a peninsula, surrounded by the sea.
It was protected by forts outside the city.
It was surrounded by swamps.
It was located at the top of a steep hill.

Under the Justinian Code, women were
allowed to inherit property.
allowed to become emperors.
allowed to hold positions of power in the Church.
given the right to vote.

What important change occurred during the reign of the emperor Constantine?
The Roman Empire split in two.
He became Christian and supported the growth of the Church.
Germanic groups conquered Rome.
The Christian church split into two branches.

Constantine used the wealth that came from a strong economy to
spread Christianity to Asia.
build palaces, government buildings, and marketplaces.
build the Hagia Sophia.
increase the size of his army.

How was Byzantine culture brought to lands beyond the empire's borders?
by invaders who took Byzantine culture home with them
by its army as it conquered new lands
by books that were carried to distant lands
by visitors from other lands who came to Constantinople
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