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Reapers War (1640 - 1652)
The 1640 Revolt had support from both the Catalan Society. Their ally France then annexed Roussillon
France became more supportive of Catalonia, however, France was seen as an economic competitor
King Charles II, who took control in the 1960s, was an incompetent and ineffectual king.
He did little to nothing and allowed the different regions to manage themselves, however, this was good for Catalonia.
The French defeated the Spanish in the War of the Reunions. France’s King, Louis XIV of France was an aggressive empire builder, He had been conquering border territories (Parts of Modern Italy).
Spain joined the League of Augsburg (An alliance between German States, Sweden, and Spain) in order to defend against France.
The Spanish feared that there would be another French and Spanish War, they sent about 2,400 soldier total to protect the border. However, the barracks and forts were in terrible shape so the soldiers had to be housed by the civilians near the border.
A new tax was introduced, the “military contribution”, to fund the soldiers for food and other necessities. The peasants were having a difficult time funding the soldiers and getting food for themselves as the locust swarms escalated around the same year the soldiers arrived. The food supply wasn’t enough for all the civilians and the soldiers.
The civilians protested to the government, demanding that the soldiers leave. Three members of the Diputacio del General (highest constitutional body of Catalonia) reiterated their complaints to King Charles II (Anton Sayol, Daniel Sayol, and Josep Sitges). They were silenced by the Viceroy of Catalonia and the Marquis of Leganes after being arrested and replaced.
October 7th, 1687 (The situation got worse) - In Centelles, where some of the soldiers were quartered, the civilians were already discontent with them, ((Conflict had already been incubation here between the Count of Centelles and the residents)(Wikipedia)). An issue arose after an army cavalryman hit a woman over an argument about a chicken. The cavalry left town after the woman rallied the town in defiance and the towns had a meeting where the majority decided to quarter the soldiers but wouldn’t continue to pay the military contribution tax to endorse them.
April 4th - April 6th, 1688 (And worse) - In Villamayor, a ragtag militia marched into Mataro, an important port town, and rallied the population with cries of “Visca la terra!” They continued to rally and march on to Barcelona, they demanded a general pardon of any actions the militia made against the soldiers, a reduced military contribution, the pardon of the three imprisoned members of the Diputació, and the release of an imprisoned official Pedro Llosas ()
April 12th, 1688 - the government completely capitulated. The militia was easily supplied from the countryside and the city of Barcelona was at its mercy for its own supplies. Barcelone wasn’t able to prosecute criminals as they didn’t have funds in the treasury. Guns were being carried openly throughout the streets and the officials couldn’t leave the city safely.
Barcelona released the members of Diputacio on May 10th out of fear of the returning militia
May 10th, 1688 - Multiple incidents occurred between soldiers and peasants the government's control of the countryside became insubstantial.
The peasants wanted to exempted from “the government demands and refused to pay taxes.” They called themselves the Segadors, it means Reapers in english and it was a term used by Rebel Farmers. 800 of the Segadors marched to Puigcerda demanding a minimum wage of 4 reales for everyone who worked, this occurred in multiple other cities. Causing the Clergy to attempt to intervene.
June 13th and 14th - Riot on June 13th
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