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First Name: Meliodas "Mel" Emilius

Last Name: Selwyn

Nationality: English

Gender: Male

Bloodline: Pure

Place of Birth: St. Mungo's, London, UK

Date of Birth: November 2nd, 1980

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pet: A male tawny owl named Cassius.

General Appearance: Thin, gaunt, extremely pallid pale skin, downturned eyes, tall, ruffled brown hair of mid-neck length with shaggy bangs, narrow hips, pointy nose, hollow cheeks, prominent cheekbones, slim neck, bony, spindly limbs with prominent joints.

Eyes: Cold Prussian blue, deep-set and downturned. Quite very cold-looking and you can never read anything of his emotions via his eyes. If eyes are the window to the soul, he has his dark, solid curtains pulled down.

Hair: Cedar brown, shaggy bangs dusting at his eyebrows with side-bangs long enough to cover the sides of his face, mid-neck length and generally neatly combed.

Height: in 1st year: 1.5 m, by graduation 1.95 m

Dressing Style: Neat, dark clothing, long capes with high collars.


General Personality: Blunt, bookish, quiet, and morally gray. Sharp wit, thinks before doing anything and never does anything based on his emotions. Doesn't respond to taunts nor rise to baits. Quick on his feet, very agile, also quick with his mind. He's extremely selfish, self-serving and puts himself above everyone else, though he doesn't let anyone know, of course. He wouldn't save anyone's life if he wouldn't get anything back in return. He hates being the center of attention, though likes to occasionally impress, as is his nature. Prefers to remain insignificant in the background. He doesn't mind killing people, using dark magic or Unforgivables to get what he wants. He's basically what you'd call a sociopath.

Alignment: Neutral evil

- Books/reading
- Dessert (cake, chocolate, etc.)
- Being praised (though he hides it with indifference)

- Quidditch
- Muggles
- Interference in his personal space

Patronus: Vulture

Boggart: Failure

Parents: Andronicus Lennox Selwyn, Desdemona Adriana Selwyn (née Travers)

Aunts & Uncles: One Death Eater uncle: Martius Lysander Selwyn

Grandparents: Solinus Antipholus Selwyn, Nerissa Volumnia Selwyn (née Urquhart)

Wife: Luna Pandora Selwyn (née Lovegood)

Children: Celia Luna Selwyn, Ariel Desdemona Selwyn, Aemilius Meliodas Selwyn

Brief History of School Experience: Was a bit of a recluse, though got along well with most Ravenclaws and Slytherins (due to family connections) and occasionally, a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor. He was fascinated by Luna Lovegood and her strange seer-ish abilities, and thus they became quick, best friends. Spends most of his time either alone or with Luna and chases the bullies off her by using his family's high standing and subtle threats. Were acquaintances with the Golden Trio -- well, mostly just the Boy-Who-Lived, because it's good for his reputation. When there was solid proof (aside from Potter saying that he was back) that Voldemort was back, he and his parents fled the country to America and returned after the war and testified (more like bribed the authorities, actually) for his uncle.


Wand: 15", aspen, Norwegian Ridgeback heartstring core, very pliant

House: Ravenclaw

Quidditch: Doesn't play
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