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Setting and Restrictions
Andy Brini Dow
Setting and Restrictions
Character Restrictions:
This is an anarch campaign. Your explicit political allegiance should be anarch, although you may have hidden agendas.
Core clans / antitribu preferred, minor bloodlines by request/agreement.
Any ties to Sabbat, Camarilla or The Black Hand need to be explained in full and discussed beforehand as they might have implications for that player's agenda.
Very unlikely that any clan/bloodline other than Nosferatu that looks or acts particularly weird would get past The Sweeper and settle in the city. Nosferatu are tolerated as long as they keep themselves to themselves.
Most vampires in the city are path of humanity. Flagrant disregard for human life is looked down upon.
Other rules will be added as necessary.
Please also provide the following:
1) Your character's main overarching motivation. Is it money? Power? Love? What is your character dedicating their eternity to achieving?
2) At least one thing your character is still attached to. Is it a mortal? Another vampire? An object or place? Are they so far removed from mortality that all they're now attached to is an ideology, like their Path?
3) An event in either their life or undeath that changed who they are are as a character.
4) A physical description of your character and their mannerisms.
5) A comparable character from media. Doesn't have to be vampire media or even tangentially related. Are you a dry, sarcastic Columbo? A well meaning, compassionate but simplistic Homer Simpson?
6) At least 3 different relationships with the other city kindred, as outlined below. At least one of these relationships should be negative, if not outright antagonistic: are you business rivals? Ideologically opposed? Just plain rub each other up the wrong way?
7) Information about your sire and past allegiances, in case they become plot relevant
Setting: Sheffield by Night
Key changes from reality:
Both universities merged in the early 90s and formed the Sheffield Institute of Technology. Specialising in epidemiology and genome research. This resulted in all development funding being plowed into the area around the university and away from the city centre.
Around the same time, government austerity measures resulted in the privatisation of all major services including the NHS.
Economic depression caused more urban deterioration than seen in our version of Sheffield as manufacturing and firms moved away from the city, leaving abandoned workshop and warehouse spaces throughout. Many were converted into homes of multiple occuopancy.
Buildings are taller, with tenement blocks lining most streets. These range from high class apartments above the businesses on the rack, to run down blocks of flats in the slums.
Guns are still illegal, but weapons generally are more readily available if you have contacts in low places, and the police are both corrupt and lazy.
From a kindred society point of view the city used to be heavily controlled by the Tremere via steel working guilds, but they've been eked out in the last 200 years by conflicts with the Toreador and Ventrue. They have no real presence in the city any more. With the decline of the steel industry the various parties lost interest, leading to the migration of anarchs into the city.
The City Itself:
The city is abstracted into districts:
Larger than in real life. Department stores, the cathedral, a cinema complex, and a large entertainment venue. Mostly daytime foot traffic from mortals, little of interest to vampires.
The Rack:
Spans the area roughly constituted by West Street and Division Street. Houses restaurants, bars, and at least two large nightclubs: Corporation (or whatever it's renamed) and Club Apophis. Somewhere between the two clubs is a red light district and brothel. Sophisticated apartment blocks tower over the businesses. Most of kindred society is situated along the rack, both residentially and in terms of business interests.
The Moor Slums:
With no private investment and no government funding, this area degenerated heavily. Street markets, shady bars, greasy eateries and overfull tenements run by criminal landlords. Police enforcement tends not to reach this far unless some palms are greased, so a lot of illicit activity goes unnoticed here. Large vagrant population, which has attracted some of the city's kindred to the area. Places of note are St Mary's Hope Church, which acts as a shelter for vagrants, and the Free Clinic that provides free emergency medical care to the disenfranchised of the area.
Little London:
The area roughly covered by London Road and Abbeydale Road, originally the poorest end of the slums but growing immigrant populations have resulted in private investment (from organised criminal groups) and cultural growth in the area. While still poverty stricken, the area has a bohemian and multicultural character. Places of note are The Aerie, an 'occult bookstore' / front for organised crime, and The Archives, where records of kindred activity have been kept for hundreds of years.
SIT Business District:
Where the money is. Too high profile for any of the anarchs to be involved in. If there are kindred there they keep to themselves, and any attempts to get a foothold in the area seems to be foiled. ST note: characters shouldn't have strong ties to the university. At most 1 dot of contacts within the university to show that they're attempting to work their way in. It's very difficult to get a man inside SIT, shadowy players behind the scenes seem to be pulling the strings.

Notable Kindred by district:
Allister - Brujah:
Baron of the city main. Serious and somber, historically committed to neutrality and protecting the city from external interference, even if that means individual discomfort or compromising the wellbeing of individuals within the city. Tiring of his responsibilities at this point.
Rusty - City Gangrel:
The sweeper, responsible for monitoring all new activity in the city, and when necessary using force to maintain peace. She's abrupt and quick to anger. Frequently clashes with Benedict.

Rev Benedict - Childe of Allister - Brujah:
Night chaplain at St Mary's Hope Church in the slums. Runs a soup kitchen, has a flock of human followers. Effectively manages the slums, so Allister can focus on city wide issues.
Travis - Malkavian:
Runs the slums free clinic. Believes he's chosen by God and that immortality is a blessing to allow him to do God's work. Only drinks donations.
Cate - Childe & Lover of Rusty - City Gangrel:
Relatively newly embraced. Tempers Rusty's violent tendencies, but is also free spirited and anti-authoritarian, which can sit at odds with Rusty's role as sweeper. Often found at squat parties in the slums. Has a harem of adoring ghouls.
Apple - Follower of Set, rumoured child of Kenu:
Not much is known about Apple. She turns up occassionally. She sells a lot of shit drugs to dumb slum teenagers. Kenu doesn't acknowledge her, and noone knows if she's joking when she says she's his childe. Liliane certainly seems to have a problem with her regardless.
Peter, Emmy, Ricky, Zeke - Caitiff:
A pack of disenfranchised caitiff who eke out a living through various less than legal endeavours in the city. Benedict tries to keep an eye on them. They mostly keep themselves to themselves and don't engage much with the city politics.

Liliane - Toreador:
Emissary for Allister. Seemingly irreverent and flippant, this facade masks an ambition that may undermine Allister's leadership if left unchecked. Her mastery of social manipulation has frequently proven necessary to compensate for Allister's seeming coldness when dealing with political forces, however, so her role in the court is vital.
Kenu - Follower of Set, lover of Liliane:
Owner of Club Apophis, a hedonistic (and expensive) night club on West Street. As per stereotypes, prides himself on satisfying almost any desire, but trades as much in information and discretion as he does in carnal pleasures.
Syed - Assamite:
Head doorman of Club Apophis. Quiet, sinister. Seems like he probably has some dark back story, but the only person who really knows him is Kenu, and he's not sharing anything.
Tamara - Ventrue:
Owns several bars and restaurants along the Rack. A people pleaser. Would far rather be the power behind the throne, which is an aspiration she shares with Kenu. Certainly the wealthiest vampire in the city, may well be the most well connected as well. Has fingers in pies you didn't even know were baked yet.
Pavel - Brujah:
A pimp with a heart of gold? Pavel runs what might pass for the red light district of the Rack, between Division Street and "Corp". He maintains a respectable parlour there, and has a network of ghoul 'pimps' to look after the (mostly mortal) women and men he employs. Actual humanitarian and sex positive political radical. Rack prostitutes are the safest prostitutes in Sheffield. Actively opposed to trafficking.
Nastya - Malkavian
One of Pavel's staff, he's looked after her since her sire ditched her and he found her hooking on the streets of St Petersburg. Young but fierce. Has OCD that manifests particularly when highly stressed, particularly in the form of counting and echolalia.

Dukey - Ravnos:
Co-owns The Aerie, a cafe and 'occult' bookshop in Little London. Makes most of his profit selling trinkets to unsuspecting mortals. During the day the shop's run by his ghoul wife Erin.
Franco - Giovanni:
Co-owns The Aerie with Dukey. Rumour has it that at night the place turns into a meeting spot for the various criminal organisations that permeate Sheffield. As most of these criminal groups consider Little London to be neutral ground (with most explicit conflict occurring in the slums, and much of the behind the scenes activity occurring in the rack), this would make sense, but Franco would never admit it.
The Librarian - Nosferatu:
Wheelchair bound archivist who keeps unsanitised records of vampire activity in the city dating back thousands of years, that he himself inherited in the 1800s. Operates from the basement of an ostensibly still active library, but given that noone ever uses it his cover is never really blown. Likely older and more powerful than many others in the city, but utterly disinterested in engaging in any sort of social interaction or politics with them.
The Observer - Nosferatu, Childe of The Librarian:
Hellishly gaunt, operates as The Librarian's gopher / errand runner. Has a difficult relationship with his sire as he resents the deformities he inherited. Has a voyeuristic nature, aided by his exceptional abilities with obfuscate.
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