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Name: Oskar Kahl
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Nationality: Swedish
Bloodtype: O
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Ultimate Gardener
Likes: Hikes, Sunsets
Dislikes: Pollution.
Appearance: 5'3. Earlength, curly blonde hair with freckles dotting over his cheeks and his nose, with bright green eyes. He wears a white collared shirt, with khaki shorts, and a dark green apron that's stained with dirt and other stuff, along with rubber boots.
Personality: The most soft spoken and quiet out of all the kids, who usually tends to keep to himself and stay away in his greenhouse or in his room away from the violence. He tends to be pretty sensitive and can easily get upset, getting easily uneased by violence or anything involving blood. He can easily get passioned when people dare to litter in his presence, but usually transforms back to his quiet self after getting over his speeches. He tends to stutter a lot when he speaks unintentionally, which makes it pretty hard for others to understand him due to both his stutter and his thick accent. Asides from his garden accomplishments, he knows over three other languages asides from Swedish and is an avid part time reader and writer as well. Due to his illness being a cripple on him, he often prefers to play it safe because of this and pretty much overreacts if he's forced into "dangerous" situations. Due to really not getting the chance to interact with other people his age, he's pretty socially inept and tends to avoid people because of this. He's also incredibly well mannered and refuses to never say a bad thing to others due to his aunts influence.
Backstory: Oskar was born under more mysterious circumstances to a pretty young university student, though the woman never disclosed who the father was. He was born prematurely and has underdeveloped lungs, which never fully recovered from his premature birth and would leave him crippled as an asthmatic for the rest of his life. His mother was stricken with grief because of this and became overprotective of him early on his life, and rarely ever let him leave their home, which was isolated back in the woods. She eventually purchased a greenhouse just for him, as she began working longer hours when he was just getting into school, and his aunt moved in with him as his primary caretaker and teacher. He became a brilliant Gardner from a young age and even figured out how to make plants survive in the environment of Sweden survive there in his greenhouse, and even came up with a revolutionary technique to help this happen in other environments as well.
Relationships: Freja Kahal: A brilliant and cold young woman who is a sharp contrast to her more soft spoken and son. She's climbing up the ranks of a local construction company quickly and is a efficient and crude worker. She's seen as quite beautiful due to her long blonde girls and green eyes, though she swears more then a drunken old man does when out of her son's presence. She adores him and her younger sister very much, and is overprotective of both of them, though tends to be more harsh on her sister, to the point of not even allowing her son to have friends. She's unintentionally controlling over him, but still wants the best for him.

Nora Kahal: The lesser sister compared to Freja, Nora didn't seem to inherit much in neither the looks or intelligence departments- though has a great deal of kindness and generosity that others tend to overlook due to her more quiet demeanor. She's Oskar's primary teacher and caregiver due to Freja working long hours, and he got most of his mannerisms from her. She's also an avid baker and almost got into the academy herself due to her brilliant baking skills, but turned it down.

Wolfgang Zurich: probably the strangest friendship in all the class due to their sharp contrast in both talents and living situations, Wolfgang basically takes Oskar as his "apprentice" to take under his wing and usually lugs him around with him. He refuses to hear any of Oskar's own self deprivation and tries to help him feel more confident in himself, and Oskar seems to really look up to him as a bit brother figure more then anything.

Erik Bjelland: Erik basically treats both Oskar and Wolfgang in an almost exasperated manner, like how an older brother would treat two younger brother. He often keeps watch over both of them and usually follows them around to keep them out of trouble.

Olivia Fortin: One of the two "patient's" Olivia took on, she usually treats him similar to how a psychiatrist teaches their patient and usually checks up on his he's feeling when she can.

Daphne King: Oskar views Daphne as a tad bit terrifying due to her forceful and charismatic personality, though she tends to test him how one night treat a little cute puppy. She sometimes attempts to understand him better by spending time with him in his greenhouse, and attempts to try her best to know what plants he's talking about and why.

Name: Francesca "Fran"Romano
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Italian
Bloodtype: O
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Ultimate Model
Likes: Hot cocoa.
Dislikes: Airplanes.
Appearance: 5'7. Back length, wavy dark brown hair and blue eyes, with heavily tanned skin. She's easily seen as the most notable attractive out of the class due to her looks, which she packs a lot in in both up front and back. She usually wears a knee length, dark turquoise dress with a gold necklace around her neck and golden hoop earrings. She doesn't usually wear make up at all.
Personality: Fitting to the stereotype of "ditzy" model, Fran isn't seen as the sharpest knife in the drawer due to not being either the most school or street smart out there. She makes up for this with overwhelming sweetness and empathy, and is incredibly outgoing and nice compared to the rest of the students, and in her way is very charismatic due to finding a way to make conversations with a lampost. She is well aware of what people think of her and though she doesn't try to make it seem like it hurts her, it can be easily noted that it does hurt her just by her facial expresuson. Shes a very emotional person and wears her emotions out on her sleeve for everyone to see, and despite not being the smartest, tries her best to help with the investigations when she can. Despite her looks, she doesn't think of herself as better then anyone, though is proud of being beautiful as she is. One of her goals is to become a bigger inspiration for others.
Backstory: Born into a poor, underprivileged village in the rolling hills of Italy, Fran was born into a family that nearly had 7 girls already - and she easily became seen moreso as a clone of them then her own unique person, and got pushed aside and ignored due to being the youngest. Fran always fought to stand out amongst her sisters, though the tended to make fun of her more then anything due to her attempts, easily being seen as the laughing stock amongst her family. When she was around 10, her uncle(the only one who had ever bothered to take any real notice in her) offered a deal of the life time: to move to one of the bigger cities and live with him there to get a more privileged lifestyle, and she easily accepted. As she grew older, she got into the modeling business and dropped out of school when she was 16 to become a fulltime model- her uncle and her became estranged because of this, which obviously impacted her a lot though she forced herself to move on.
Alessandra Romano: The only sister that Fran ever mentions to an extensive amount, Alessandra was her younger sister's biggest bully from a young age and often persuaded her siblings to join in the mean spirited taunts she thought up of. She's quite vain and ride compared to her sister, and usually sees Fran as someone who thinks of herself better then the rest of their family and often taunts her by calling her a slut or a whore.
6 older sisters.
Giovanni Romano: Fran's uncle is is seen as the most progressive and big thinking one of the family, who followed his dreams to move out into the city instead of staying in the village for his whole life- similar to Fran, he shows a deep inner kindness to everyone whether they are mean to him or not and is incredibly well mannered. He's incredibly cheerful and often looks to the bright side of things, though became ashamed of Fran when she choose modelling, which would only last while she was so young, over her education.
Sachiko Fujioka: Fran usually tries her best to try and make Sachiko smile or even laugh by telling her cheesy jokes all the time, and usually hangs around her and Austin the most due to them being the "outcasts" and genuinely wanting to be their friend.
Austin Walker: One of the people who Fran deeply admires due to his own "modelling", he seems a bit overprotective of her and usually refuses to let others speak a bad word about her in front of him and often gets into fights with Liam because of this.
Liam Murray: One of Fran's other "critics", he often crudely criticized her for the way she dresses and acts as well as her intelligence, which got so bad once he forced her into tears. He eventually did apologize for it though.
Daphne King: Fran tends to treat Daphne just like how an "girlfriend" would, and often tries to offer to put make up on her or give her fashion tips . Sometimes Daphne indulges in this and let's Fran do this, and Fran even used her as a confidant for one of the trials.

Name: Liam Murray
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: Irish
Bloodtype: B-
Sexuality: Homosexual
Talent: Ultimate Debater
Likes: Autumn, Pumpkin Spice Coffee.
Dislikes: Tea.
Appearance: 6'2. Short, geled back black hair(he's naturally a ginger), tan skin, and prominent freckles on his face. He wears black framed, rectangular glasses, a white dress shirt, a brown overcoat and matching brown pants with black dress shoes. He wears a dark red tie as well, and has a brown shoulder bag he keeps a notebook and some pens in at all times.
Personality: An impatient and exceptionally short tempered young man, who doesn't have patience even for death himself. He's usually at a whole pace ahead of other people and gets mad if they don't catch up to him quickly, usually moving and talking so fast it's hard to keep up with him at all times. He always writes notes on what he sees and keeps a notebook with him all times, and usually always tries to have some sort of hard proven evidence for his point. He's extremely blunt and truthful to others, and he doesn't really understand that others don't get hurt as easily as he does. When he's angry he reverts back to a heavy and hard to understand Irish accent. He's heavily ashamed of his background and usually tries to cover it up.
Backstory: Liam was born to two bartenders who wished to have children for a very long time, and we their only real attempt at ever having a child. Both could be easily seen as "Stereotypical" Irishmen, due to their respective blunt and crude attitudes, and she to his some people made fun of these stereotypes Liam became ashamed of his heritage and even his parents themselves. He eventually managed to get into a bigtime private school in one of the big coast cities, and began forcing himself into a "transformation" to separate himself from stereotypes and making himself into a new person.
Thomas Murray(Father): A loud and jovial man, who enjoys a good drink and often chats up those who visit his bar as if they were friends their whole lives. He's proud of his son for managing to get into such a big school and often brags about Liam to his friends when he can. He's a lot more softhearted than his wife and would never hurt a soul.

Anna Murray(Mother): Similar to her husband, she is often seen as loud and jovial in attitude, and often greets strangers warmly. She's a lot more blunt and straightforward then her husband and isn't afraid of telling the truth. She adores her son to the point of it being slightly mortifying for even people who aren't Liam to witness.

Daphne King: One of the few people who can point out his hurtful words without fear of getting bitten in return, he seems to get along with her decently well - but thinks she can be stupid at times due to her headstrong personality. She sometimes tried to help him write these "notes", though he usually refuses her help due to her own clumsiness.

Fran Romano: One of those who can easily get very affected by his blunt and rude wording, he usually apologizes to her if she does get upset about what he says- even if he's right, and is one of the few people who actually gets an apology from Liam.

Name: Wolfgang Zurich
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: German
Bloodtype: O
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Ultimate Daredevil
Likes: Swimming, Ghost Chili Peppers.
Dislikes: Math.
Appearance: 5'10. Shaggy, platinum blonde hair and pallid skins with bright blue eyes. He wears a dark red ski hat and sunglasses, with a normal white t-shirt and black sweatpants, with red and black tennis shoes. He has notably sharp teeth.
Personality: Loud, boisterous, and over energetic to the point of it being completely overwhelming, Wolfgang is slightly overwhelming for any normal person to completely handle due to his never-ending bundle of energy. He's bold and isn't afraid of going headfirst into danger without even a second thought and in that aspect, is actually slightly stupid. He believes in true justice and will go to any length to achieve said justice, and adore the feeling of hardcore adrenaline. He tries his best to look to the bright side and doesn't listen to any sort of self loathing by trying to offer hardcore encouragement.
Backstory : Wolfgang was born to be incredibly sickly and spent the first few of his life in and out of the hospital. His parents had a incredibly shaky relationship due to the stress of working up enough money to pay for what he needed, and when he was around 5, he finally managed to get better to tackle the outside world. He was seen as a incredibly withdrawn and easily scared boy, and never really recovered from the feeling he could die at any moment, and his parents actually admitted him in a international school all his life and was easily influenced by American culture. When he was around 10, his parents finally had gotten divorced- his mother ran off to America with a lover , never bothering to contact brother her son or ex husband again. Soon after that time, doctors finally gave him the news he wasn't expected to live past his kid 20s- this heavily shook him up, and within the months between summer vacation and school, he went through a strange transformation. His shell had been broken and completely shattered to pieces, and reemerged as a more confident x outgoing, and loudmouthed young man. He began getting in more trouble compared to his former more withdrawn and shrunken self, and even began forcing himself to get into exceptionally dangerous things, such as skydiving, deepsea diving with dangerous sea creatures, and more. He became internationally famous because of these stunts and after he graduated, he went into doing it "full time".

Bernard Zurich: A humble and slightly offputting man, who never really tried to stop his son from getting into his antics and usually spoiled him silly by even paying for some of these trips. Despite his son's offers to help retire him from his job, Benard continues to work full time.

Oskar Kahl: The two have what one could describe as a "mentor" and " prodigy " relationship, Wolfgang basically working as Oskar's life coach of sorts to try and cow him to have higher confidence in himself.

Erik Bjelland: Erik is often exasperated by his antics and often tries to get him to stop before he hurts himself, often treating both Oskar and Wolfgang like annoying younger brother and fussing over them when they get hurt.

Daphne King: Both Wolfgang and Daphne are seen as the main "energy core" of the group, and the two surprisingly get along pretty well. SOmetimes, Daphne joins in with Wolfgang on some of his more private stunts when he allows her to and the two bond over how much math fucking sucks.
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