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From entertainment to life
As residents of the earth in 2018, entertainment is accordingly adjusted to today’s audience. Adolescents, especially, may find themselves engrossed in the world of entertainment. The industry offers various of categories within it, such as tv-series, movies, books, and games. With plots, character developments, settings, and genres, entertainment can almost rightfully real. The question remains, what useful lessons can you pick up from these texts/movies?

To narrow down the options, I will first present the poem ‘’The road not taken’’ by Robert Frost. It can be difficult to comprehend the theme at first glance. Luckily, the poem contains symbols and metaphors that can be interpreted in many ways. However, numerous of people agree the symbols refer to the act of decision-making. ‘’Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference’’-. This quote is what makes me agree with the analyzation of many.

Decision-making is inevitable, whether it’s important or insignificant. Whether it’s between careers or chocolates. As a teenager, I can confirm there are many choices to make. It’s difficult to pinpoint what you want to make of life. It can be frightful to conclusively decide what the best plan is for you. Sometimes, you might find yourself looking into the ‘untraveled road’, as Robert puts it. In regard to ‘’, The road not taken’’, the poem indirectly stated that the author was satisfied with the untraveled road. In prior to bringing this road to life, one should specify what the road can represent. Most relevant to me is the road of education.

To visualize my claims, I will have to present the movie ‘Dead Poet Society’ from 1989. Not only did the movie reference Robert Frost, but it has also illustrated the road of education exceptionally well. The movie portrayed how repressed independence kills. The main character, Neil Perry, was unable to choose the road he longed for. This was due to his father being dreadfully against it. In the end, we saw the character commit suicide in misery. Neil’s death can portray what a dream or passion looks like if one is not able to follow them. This is why I think a decision should be individual and based on what you desire. As a ‘rule’, perhaps you should choose a road in which you doubt if you should ever go back from

With the movie and poem presented, I will dedicate a paragraph to full-on reflect upon decisions and education: In life, the vast majority of us wishes to remain happy. Ideal decisions are often what leads us to happiness. Therefore, one could say the goal is to make ideal decisions. Above, I have stated that desire is what decisions should be made from. However, ideal desires cannot always be fulfilled. What does one do when they don’t have the grades for a study they’d like? An alternative might be intuition. Decisions you make without knowing why can be a sign of what road you might choose later. Without too much external influence, your intuition might guide you in the right way. In the end, you will know when decisions are right or wrong. Your intuition will tell you that, too.

In conclusion, I have presented ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost as well as ‘Dead poet society’ as a starting point for my argumentation. The beautifully complicated poem paints the less common roads to be equally effective. This has inspired me to believe in decisions I make. It evoked a chain of thoughts as to what a decision should be made from, which I concluded to be desire. With my essay, I have attempted to bring literature to life. After I presented literature and the movie, I have resonated further as to what decisions are in general. I’ve argued for intuition and desire being important components in decision-making. In the very, very end, there are many lessons to pick up from books and movies.

Frost, Robert (unknown year), ‘’The Road Not Taken’’
Werr, Peter (1989), ‘’Dead Poet Society’

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