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Welcome to PART 3 FROGGIES! I know, I know, I seriously needed to do an update. So, here you go!

Jackie fell down to the floor, panting. "I can't do it. I just can't." "Well.... At least you..... Weren't the first..... To go!" said Ally in between runs. People were dropping, and fast.

It had gone down to only a few people: Peter, Ally, and Flash. Everyone else just watched them go by. Betty, Liz, Jenni, and a few other girls were talking. "I kind of like Spiderman." "You've never even seen him" "Yeah what if he's like seriously burnt?" "I wouldn't care, I would love him for the person he is inside." "One thing Liz is right about though is that he's clearly ripped." "True" "PETER KNOWS SPIDERMAN" yelled Ned. Peter stopped running and turned to Ned. "Dude" he whispered. "And that's the end of that stage!" Yelled the coach. "Parker, you're out." "WHAT?" yelled Ally. "Not you Parker, other Parker" Peter went over and sat with everyone. "Wait, Peter, do you know Spiderman?" "Yeah, Peter knows Spiderman, just like how Mr Wilson knows Captain America." commented Jenni*. Jackie was trying not to laugh at all the awkwardness. "Well... Only through the Stark internship, but..." "Well, Liz is having this party tonight. Maybe you could invite him." suggested Jenni. Peter was in a really horrible situation.

Flash was a little angry that Ally was going faster than him. Ally was never the most athletic, but recently? It was weird. She was practicing to join the cheerleading team, and she was /good/. Like, /really good/. Nobody, not even Peter, knew why she was all of the sudden she had what seemed like endless energy, but this? This was crazy. Flash wasnt going to let a Parker beat him... Although he would probably need to. Ally passed by him. "On your left" she said quickly. "Oh shut up" "On your left." She was going much faster than him. Eventually, he just ran out of breath. Not gradually, but randomly. He couldn't do it.

Back out in the halls, Flash left the locker rooms angry. "Well You got pretty far," said Ally reaching out to high five him. He just kept walking. Ally frowned. "Nobody leaves me hanging" she said under her breath. "So what I'm getting from everything.... Flash hates you guys." "Pretty much." said Peter. Ally seemed very upset. He was acting like a jerk and she wanted to do something about it. "Come on, Ally we have to get to lunch." Peter and Jackie had started Walking without her. "I'll be there in just a second." responded Ally. She focused. She knew she could do this. She'd done it before, so why not now? This was her chance. All of a sudden, Flash just slipped and fell. /EVERYBODY/ saw it. His friends laughed at him at made fun of him. "Shut up guys!" he yelled at them. "Someone tripped me" "Or you just can't WALK" one of them teased. Ally smiled and then went on her way. She liked this. She was getting better at it, and it seemed everytime she used the power the power improved. The most important thing? Ally didn't feel left out anymore.

That's the end of Part 3! I hope you enjoyed! Oh, what was that "*" you saw? Well, that quote was from the movie and it was something Flash said, but in my fanfiction they're doing the fitness gram pacer test, not just the situps. So I thought I would give a line to Jenni, since it seemed fitting. The next chapter is probably going to include more Jenni, just saying. Also, what did Ally do? Whats going on? Something strange is going on, and it's not just the fact that Harry hasn't been in this at all.... Tune in next time!

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