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Hey there! I’m guessing you want me to introduce myself, you know, since that’s the project. I’m Dailyn Rodrigues. I was born on January 20th, 2018. I’ve been in Canada for most of my life, but I was born in India. When someone first meets me, I’d seem pretty reserved. Although, I’ll act pretty weird with people I know well. Unless they’re my parents or something like that. I really suck at exercising, so I don’t care who you are, I’m not racing you. My moods change a lot, so I’ll just tell you my main ones. I’m usually pretty giddy, but sometimes I’m just a nervous wreck. I’d consider myself an ambivert. That’s a mixture between introvert and extrovert. Have fun reading this… thing.
Oh, ok. So this’ll look weird, but you know why I’m writing like this now. Three, two, one. Happiness is to be part of the talent show. Last year, in grade 5, I auditioned for the talent show and I was so glad I made it! I was in that big group of singers by the way. Insecurity is when people I care about are sad. Whenever someone is sad, you’ll need to say the right things or they could feel even worse! That would suck for both parties. Unless you like that stuff, if so, don’t talk to me please. Life is very confusing and complicated. Like if you argue with someone, then you regret it later. It just makes sense to not argue with them if you would regret it later! Anger happens to build up for dumb reasons. Like, when I need to get off of the computer I don’t have a problem at all aha, anger builds up. Pretty dumb, right? Friendship is when people bond over things like interests. I became friends with many people because we shared interests! They’re memes. Honesty is how you gain trust. If I lied about everything, no one would trust me! Seriously, lying all the time is useless. Fear builds up gradually if something big is coming up. If I theoretically hid something from my friends, I’d have to tell them eventually.
Like everyone, I’ve had weird dreams before. Some seemed really realistic. There was this one dream I had when I was about six, it took me three and a half years to figure out it wasn’t real! So, I was walking with my family and cousins to a hair salon. Being the shy little bean I was, I didn’t want a stranger to cut my hair. That’s logical, okay! Some random dude wants to change how you look for, what? I don’t know how long, but it’s a long time! Also, it’s my hair! My long hair! Uh, anyways… They eventually convinced me, but that’s all I remember! Come back next time.
I just realized I’ve been talking pretty highly of myself! Let’s fix that, shall we? Alright, my first day of 3 schools. So… Let’s start off with the first! The name had the name Simon in it, that’s all I remember from it. So I just said bye to my cousins (they went to the same school), then I was pretty quiet. Wait no, silent. I’m pretty sure the teacher thought I was mute! Pretty boring, blah blah. Onto the next school! I was still a nervous wreck, heh, no surprises there. Guess what? I made a friend! I forgot her name, but she was my best friend. My only friend. Man, I was lonely. I think we befriended each other talking about My Little Pony® or something like that. Now for our good ol’ Metro. It was the early age of, wait no. It was the early grade of two. Turns out I was the third new student in the class so I made friends pretty quickly. One of them was Annabelle! The other was a girl named Harlie. She had to move to a different school. That’s probably for the greater good, I always fought with her. She probably has more friends now. Probably.

Oh yay, best friends. Well, I know Annabelle defiantly has friends, but she’s not really my bestie anymore. I’d probably say Victoria’s my bestie. We have a similar sense of humor. I think. Anyways, we hand out pretty much every recess, so she trusts me by now. There’s not really much to say here. I know my family as much as any other eleven-year-old girl should know their family. I know how they get mad, convinced, and all that jazz. Just kidding, I don’t know how to manipulate them yet. Besides, what would I manipulate them to do? Pay for my college? I hope so! I’m not sure who the most important person in my life is, but I do know what the most important thing is! It’s my computer! Ha-ha I’m so funny, right? Wrong. I’ve been on my computer since I was seven! I’ve made so many friends (that I have not shared any personal information to) that I’ve met, and so much entertainment! I wouldn’t be anywhere near how I draw without it, too! So hey, it’s useful!
This was hard to choose. I’d say the happiest moment in my life is when I became an official Canadian citizen! Luckily for me, I didn’t have to take that test. Good thing I’m not thirteen yet! Wow, never thought I’d say that in my life. Once it was over, we got the chance to get a photographer take a picture of everyone! So yeah, kind of obvious what my family did. The picture’s framed onto a wall in the living room in my house. Wow this paragraph is short.
Oh we’ve triggered it. My hobbies? Oh you totally don’t know my favourite hobby. I’m just he student who continued to draw through your lessons at the start of the year, no hints at all. I love drawing! I’m trying to get better at realism so I can work on cartoonist art, knowing the basics of anatomy and what rules to break! I’m not that active. Scratch that, I’m not active at all. I spend most of my day on a computer! I do animate, but I’m a few months new. What are my annoyances? Not sure, unless you mean people! I can list them off of the top of my head! I guess stuff that annoys me is when people act like jerks? Not sarcasm, but genuine insults with no joke in it. Most annoying thing I can think of!
Yes, this’ll be the easiest paragraph yet! I’d say my biggest worry is my reputation. Hear me out here!
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