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Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Glory: The 501st
Chapter One: Geonosis
The whiz from the LAAT/i starting up is heard everywhere from the Venator. The 501st Soldiers get ready as they take off. As soon as they leave the Venators' hangar, they are attacked by Geonosian starfighters. It is a struggle for the Pilot to keep him self alive, and his brothers. After a few minutes of avoiding death, the LAAT/i lands. The first thing that CT-3909 sees, are bolts going past him. CC-3909 runs to cover, his squadron follows him. Corporal CT-2291 says to CT-3909 "Sergeant, we need to get out of here, it is a blood bath. We're bound to die here if we don't move." CT-3909 responds by saying "We're waiting for more soldiers to land here."
As the squadron waits, they watch from a far, the CIS and the Clones fight. The fighting and killing is brutal. They are sure that they well die now. As whizing from two LAAT/i's going to them, one of the LAAT/i's are shot down. The squadron runs to the LAAT/i as they get attacked by 10 Super Battle Droids. CT-2291 is hit in the leg during the attack, Sergeant CT-3909 rushes to him and helps him walk. The squadron make it to the LAAT/i and use it as cover. As the squadron fires back at the Super Battle Droids, two squad members open the LAAT/i door. They find four clones dead, two wounded, and two soldiers who can still fight. The clones finish off the Super Battle droids quick. The other LAAT/i lands 10 meters away from them. The clones start to move out into the battle.
As the clones make their way into battle, they run to cover, bolts fly past them. CT-3902 looks at the death around him, bolts flying into his brothers body. The horror, shows the true price of the war. CT-3909 thought to himself... "Was this really worth dying for?" As CT-3902 and his squadron fire at Droids laying supresssing fire. A Geonsian Star fighter
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