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The Ghost Jester

(The Ghost Jester at first seems to be a quiet and friendly soul, but looks can always be deceiving! For this role, I'd love if you could have a happy and cheerful voice in the beginning, but as the script turns darker, have your voice becoming more menacing and slightly deranged! I'm fine with you using your normal voice ( the voice you used for your audition), however, if you'd like to add your own flair to this character then please, by all means, be my guest! This character is now your role and I want to hear how you feel the character should sound!)

(As for the sound effect instructions, please don't worry about them! I'll add the sound effects in when I'm mixing the voice files together, I just like having the whole script together so when it comes time to edit, It's all there in one file.)

(Once you are done recording, could you please send me it (in an mp3 format if possible) to my email: [email protected] The Due date for this project has been changed to October 18th, with October 20th being the very last day to hand in your lines.)

(If you need any help with anything or want to ask a question, feel free to message me on CCC or by email! Best of luck to you and I can't wait to hear your recording!)

The Ghost Jester-VA: Chrustopher

(Sounds of soft wind and a tent being blown open)

(Soft footsteps of the listener and very low carnival music in the background)

Jester: Ah, so I see I have been sent a visitor from the Ring Masters! Oh joy, oh joy what a wonderful day this is today! (Soft chuckle)

Jester: Oh! Where art thou manners, please forgive me and take a seat now, take a seat.

(Sound of a chair being moved and then sat upon)

Jester: Now then, from my appearance, I'm sure you can tell that my service here is more than one! Yes, it is true! Not only am I a wandering spirit, but I am also a jester! (A soft chuckle)

Jester: Yes, yes. I have used many tricks from cards to balls, along with the shanty songs of the seamen I once heard from the harbours near my humble abode.

Jester: You wish to know my name? Oh, I am sorry dear guest, but I'm afraid it has been so long, that the memories of my name have long but vanished me, however, the others here call me Jester, so please, feel free to use that as a replacement for where my name once was. (Soft sigh)

Jester: However we do not dwell here on the sad memories of the past, but instead the joyful and happy ones!

Jester: Though I do see wonder and curiosity in thous eyes, hmmm...

Jester: Perhaps not tricks of cards for you, my guest, but instead a tale of the past? (Happy hum)

Jester: Excellent! Well, make yourself homely while I begin a tale of my old life.

Jester: Many, Many, moons past, I was the Jester to a great and noble king. His Highness was a great and honest man, tending to the people as if they were his own family, and making sure everyone was safe and well looked after.

Jester: The King was always so jolly when I would go in to entertain him. I'd do card tricks...

(Sound of cards shuffling)

Jester: Juggling...

(Sounds of soft juggling balls being thrown and caught)

Jester: But my best features were my stories and riddles! Oh, These were my favorite to craft carefully and present to his highness! (A soft chuckle, sounding found of the memory)

Jester: One day though, I was called to the throne room by the King with urgency. Suprised by this, I went running to his side. When I finally got there, I noticed he looked distraught, with a hint of worry in his eyes...

Jester imitating the King: (But on a voice, as if the Jester is imitating how the king sounded) "My Jester, My trusted friend, I need to ask you a dire question of importance."

Jester: I remember how special I felt then, the King, a man of such greatness had called upon my help, me, just an entertainer in any other persons eyes...

Jester: I replied, "Yes, of course, my King, I will answer any question you give me truly, hand on heart. What is it you wish to ask of me?"

Jester imitating the King: "My friend, I am to be married in but a days time, I have not told anyone for no one but I know our little kingdom is in danger, however, if I am to marry the rightful Queen of the neighboring kingdom, we shall be safe...What I must ask of you, my Jester, my trusted friend of many years, is will you be my best man?"

Jester: (Here I'd like the Jesters voice to take a darker turn, every word dripping in venom) My world shattered then...The King...My King was to throw his life of happiness away, all for some threats made by the Queen next to our kingdom. I remember shaking as I stood there, pure anger filling me. They were going to take my King away... (Taking a deep breath)

Jester: But I replied, "Y-yes, of course, your Highness...I would be honored."

Jester: A day passed so fast, the wedding was to be held in a small chapel, in the middle of nowhere...My King told me that I, as his best man, was to watch out for the blushing bride and instruct here on where to go before the wedding, so as not to cast bad luck on the marriage if he were to see her early...But I wasn't going to let my King be dragged into something so despiteful...(A slightly deranged laugh leaves the Jester)

Jester: She arrived early, all on her own, a veil over her hideous face...She was snobby and demanded to see the King before the wedding. I told her no. She demanded again. I told her no more firmly...She demanded again...

Jester: (Sounding hysterical) I-I couldn't let this foolish girl marry MY KING. I couldn't let that happen, I WOULDN'T let that happen! (Shakey breath)

Jester: She demanded one last time...and I stabbed her with a throwing knife...Once...Twice...Three...then a fourth and final time...A Stab for each time she demanded to see MY King... (Giggling Hysterically)

Jester: Her screams were the only sweet thing about her! My King came running out, and the look on his face...I'll never forget it...

Jester imitating the King: "Jester! My friend, what have you done? What is the meaning of this!"

Jester: "MY King, I have saved you, I have saved you from this evil wench! Can't you see, now we can be together like it was always meant to be!"

Jester imitating the king: "Jester, what has possessed you! Say this wasn't your doing!"

Jester: He was shocked...He couldn't understand that I had SAVED him!

Jester: I watched him run...But he didn't get far...It was clear to me...That MY king couldn't understand my adoration for him, my love for him...So I did what was best for him, after all, after seeing that wench, he was traumatized...So I held him close...before I slit his throat...(Laughing maniacally)

Jester: It was the only way I could save him! I buried him, somewhere safe...and I threw her into the sea, where her body belonged...missing and never to be recovered...

Jester: When I returned to the palace, covered in blood...His and HER blood...I told them that the neighboring kingdom had attacked us...

Jester: A war broke out in hours...But my couldn't take it...I had Killed him, My King...I knew it was for the best, but my heart, it needed to be with him!

Jester: So I went back, to where I had buried him...I grabbed the same throwing knife, still covered in his blood...and plunged it into my heart...(A sigh escapes the Jester)

Jester: Though...I never found my king...when I woke up, I was still on earth...trapped by the bounds of my actions...Years and centuries passed...until the carnival masters found me...I signed a contract with them...and now, I am no longer trapped to the earth, no instead, I am trapped in the carnival...

Jester: (A soft laugh escapes the Jester, sounding a little saner) B-but it's all okay now because you're here...

Jester: Oh, don't look so look just like he did that day...Oh, sweetheart, you don't know just who you are, do you? (A dark chuckle)

Jester: You're a part of him, My King...My old love...You're a long, long descendant of his...And your eyes...Your lips...Everything is perfect...It's like seeing HIM in the flesh...But this time, I won't let him leave or die...

Jester: You won't ever leave me again my king, I vow this to you! Now, how about I tell you more of my tales, I have thousands to tell and you'll never need to fear for I'll always keep you safe, oh my love, we'll be forever happy here! (A soft, unhinged laugh from the jester, slowly fades out as this section ends.)

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