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[CU]this is most likely a bad take, i warned u
[C]If you're going to make a lengthy ass, huge comment I advise you read the whole thing(ahh, sorry for the walltext)
[C]I can see how it might seem like I hate certain things if you don't read the full thing
But I didn't wanna add a bunch of "I don't hate Miku" disclaimers bc that makes it seem like I do + I'm saying I dont just to cover my ass

tl;dr: every new vocaloid is usually disliked inside the fandom, vocaloid as a whole is seen as lazy and shitty outside the fandom, why do people hate new vocaloids so much, companies don't have lots of options yadda yadda

also when im referring to "fandom" in talking about the western/english speaking fandom bc english is my only language(unless 5% of french and 2% of japanese counts)
Isn't it kinda hard to market a new loid? I mean, ever since mid-V3 probably pretty much only the diehard vocaloid fans care about new releases, and seeing how Mirai got Beat Down, Into the Fucking Ground :D during her release(not referring to only VA, I literally saw someone say Mirai is utter shit and doesn't deserve to exist(on Twitter,).............would we be allowed to like...give Yamaha and whatever companies the benefit of the doubt

I'm not using this as an excuse for ppl to trash on more popular loids, or for Yamaha to be ~too~ lazy, and ofc thats stupid and if you hate on popular loids for popularity
[S]but like,,,,im lowkey scared to say i dislike miku in anyway bc ppl assume youre shitting on her and u hate her for popularity. i like miku dark and stuff but i pretty much always listen to covers first, especially bc the tuning in some popular songs is Whack and way too high hdjsjsj
[S]im just not a fan of high voices? unless they have some type of spunk to them(i like una????akari seems to have a deeper range and people just use her in the 7th octave(like every popular female loid p much) so idk if her voice counts as high or not. midrange?) mikus not bad, but shes def not my loid of choice
[IS]says me who listens to neru songs @"tuning sounds weird" *cough*

Like? Just imagine the following:
You run a small company that paid $10,000 to get the dev kit for some new product, vocaloid, and everyone on your team poured their heart and soul into it, but then!!
Everyone says your product is shit and doesn't deserve to exist; lmao
You could try marketing it, but if people hate your product THAT MUCH..will marketing even do anything..
[S]okay i dont know how businesses work and in a business standpoint thats most likely a stupid way to think
but? if you were in that situation, what would you do?
if you would still spend thousands of dollars on it (Ads and commercials cost a LOT if you want them to more than 12 people to see it, so it's around like ~$1000 i believe) pls tell me anyway i wanna hear uwu

I mean, yeah Yamaha has no excuse, they're a company with other, successful subsidaries that most likely have money to pull out their ass
(Look at any Keyboard. It's most likely Yamaha, they specialize in instruments(and Mics, amps too, probably tons of other instruments & musical equipment that im forgetting. i watch music youtubers sometimes and the ones who live record usually have at least one piece of equipment from Yamaha)
But DearStage? I-style? Whoever else(would put Ki/oon here but they're a music label, which suggests they probably have money(WHICH MAKES IT KINDA WORSE TBH)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but iirc Tone Rion almost put DearStage out of business bc they
Those people can't spend $10,000 on some lengthy, reachy ad campaign, after they just paid $10,000 to make the damn loid

And Zero-G would be able to market their loids bc they aren't anime...and high quality..
...if they had the money.
If they had the money for some lengthy, reachy ad campaign, they probably would've updated Miriam!
People who care abt the Zero-Gs all saw them AND Miriam Stockley herself interested in updating, and we All(including Zero-G themselves probably) got heart broken as it wasn't possible due to funds.
(and then ppl lashed out at Zero-G for pulling a Miriam V4 prank on us, they have no sense of humor, damn)
But they couldn't. You know why?
~No funds~
~**Making** a Vocaloid is expensive af(when a company is making their first loid they need to pay $10,000, yes 10,000 buckaroos, cash money, dollas, Benjamins(not rly bc bens = $5 but sh), i dont know a lot of slang for money~
So? People always say "well blame your fav company for being lazy!"
Big companies like Yamaha have no excuse, but we have no reason to act like DearStage has $100,000 to blow on some ad campaign
(they put tone rion in a commerical but she was just used as an examples "what those dirty crusty ass otakus like lolol"..that hurt..)

But like? Maybe I'm too attached. I might have..a different perspective? After I figured out there was more loids and dropped Miku in around 2012, I didn't have a fav loid that was even ~decently~ liked until I saw flower 2016...I later loved Una and Akari too. I've been in the fandom since 2012..(not super long but I've gone at least 4 years without a fav that wasn't abandoned and/or disliked by the fandom, most of my favs are both haha)

And like???We ALL know how vocaloid is seen outside of the fandom, its either seen as lazy/shameful or a shitty anime with a cliche fanservicy plot(idk why???) So like? With the majority of people INSIDE the community who don't care( or shit on) new loids, and vocaloids obvious rep outside the fandom, for Vocaloid-only, typically small they even have the Option to market??

Like? Imagine having a commercial for..idfk, wheelies(u know those skate shoes) in 2018. No one likes it anymore, so they just blew all that money for nothing.

I'm sorry if this sounds rude or "ungrateful" bc Miku brought popularity to vocaloid....but like? This has been on my mind for a LONG ass time and this feels literally soul crushing, I just wanted to see other people's thoughts on this, whenever I think of Merli I just remember how everyone says she was slutty/Dark skinned Luka/ugly/sounds like Len/Luka/, and how everyone says Zola is ugly as hell, how Mirai is just a shitty rin reskin, how every new loid is this and that, how every loid shouldn't even deserve to be considered because they aren't as perfect as Miku, therefore fuck them.

Miku isn't bad! This isn't a Miku problem, it's a fandom problem honestly..I can't even think of any other fandoms that hate new characters this much, lol

Look, if I'm blowing this out of proportion; tell me. But from *my* experiences, this is usually what happens, its what I've observed over the years

And I saw someone say this in another post, but when unpopular loids arw shit on, it sucks because they don't even have fans? When people shit on Miku and say she doesn't deserve to exist, 90% of the time its
a) 12 year old salt lords(probably who feel shit for the same reasons I do)
b) some rando outside the fandom that doesn't even know what Vocaloid is(cuz lets be real, everyone who isn't somewhat interested in Vocaloid thinks its "anime autotune".)

And in contrast to that? Miku has worldwide fans, millions of merch and figures and ad campaigns etc etc.

And like how someone said in a post here, yeah we may seem like we excessively hate Miku, but if no one cares about out favorite obscure loids, who will? It's not like the fandom likes them! They would at least be respected as "they deserve to exist, even if I don't like them" if that was the case..

And I'm not saying beat down on Miku if you love your faves.
In fact, thats the WORST course of action you can take, lol.
Not only is it stupid to hate on a fictional character, you're no different then the fans who beat down on other loids to raise Miku up if you do that

Loid comparisons aren't inherently bad, but considering every new loid is instantly upheld to a Miku/Cryptonloid standard???Isn't that unfair? Miku was the first of her kind, a shiny super new thing, and people actually gave her a chance(and loved her), so that's why she's all "perfect"". I don't understand why people expect every new loid to be perfect, and then instantly shit on them when they aren't?

My main experiences with this fandom get more negative over time and this is one of the reasons why...I love Vocaloid dearly to my heart, but since I'm not a Miku stan, there's nothing to look forward to? Then again thats a me problem so I can't rly say shit loll
Vocaloid has been the main thing in my life I've enjoyed for so many years so it feels so Bad to drop it, especially after I finally got loids..
Once I get something I love as much as Vocaloid(okay, near impossible, I've been in this fandom and its been my only fandom for ~5 years, something I like nearly as much?) as vocaloid, I'm jetting lmao.

I really wanted to do something for my faves, not even to persuade the fandom to like them, to persuade the fandom they deserve to exist(and that they don't even have to like them, but just that they dont have to shit on them, and that they aren't as uttershitgetthatoutofmyeyesightkillthemitsacrimeagainsthumanity as they think they are.)

But I don't know how to make music, I don't know how to 3D model, I can just barely draw

I really WISH I was a Miku stan so I could have tons of songs, at my disposal, I honestly WISH I liked her more, but shes just not my thing..

[S]okay, now i just sound pathetic lmaooooo

In the end..maybe this is a good thing!
I don't know why, but after writing all of this..I feel like maybe it was some sort of tortuous destiny!
I feel like shit and got overly connected to Vocaloid in the process of feeling like shit, so it's probably why all of this is so soul crushing to me.
People who have less popular faves might be more encouraged to make songs, 3D models, fan art, maybe even their own 3D printed figures(I wanna do that but I don't know how to model and I don't have a 3D printer..yet ;)) They have no songs at their disposal, no models, no
For someone who feels like shit to the point of having no motivation

Instead of getting mad, I should thank my obscure faves. Without them, I wouldn't learn how to draw as well as I do, I wouldn't be trying to learn how to 3D model or make music either.
I would've left Vocaloid as a whole~

The only thing I really wish for now is for fans of less popular vocaloids to be more connected, in all sides of the fandom, and for Miku to stop being so closely associated to shitty cliche anime, but that's probably impossible
But on the brighter side, people are lighting up to anime so? Maybe in a few decades, you'll hear Venom on the radio as Flower's doing her third international expo. Ahh, I can only dream~
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