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Princess Hase-Hime
Non of the artwork belongs to me.

╔════ ೋღ王女ღೋ ════╗

" That sense of authenticity is what gives a home its soul."

"The melody of my blades will never surrender."

╚════ ೋღ長谷姫ღೋ ════╝

Naмe - Hase-Hime, born of the Fujiwara Nobility

Naмe Meanιng - "Princess of Hase"

Nιcĸnaмe - Hime, or Haze. Most call her Princess out of respect.

Age - 18

Bιrтнday - September 4th, 1997

Gender - Female

Seхυal Orιenтaтιon - Straight

Specιeѕ/Race - Human, Japanese

Occυpaтιon - Rogue Samurai Princess


══════ ೋღ ღೋ══════

"And when the cherry blossoms fall, I will bring you to your knees to beg for mercy."


Hase-Hime is a soulful, beautiful young woman. Many describe her as a goddess, or say she is blessed with undying youth. Her long silky black hair, flowing passed her rear, and the structure of her face nearly perfect. Slender with full curves and a mid bust, her skin glows like the moon. Almond shaped eyes that could stop any man, or woman, in their tracks with their hazy nutmeg hue and glimmer. Almost never wearing makeup, she always left those around her at awe when her lips and eyelids were pained red, or gold.

Her attire varried, to either the finest woven cottens, or strongest armors. And even though it is known for woman in her day and age to cover their bodies, her rebellious state of mind leads her to wear half cut kimonos, or bikini like armored kimonos.

Though, after fleeing her country when she was younger, she was given the right to aquire the mark of the "third eye". Also known in her culture, the all seeing dragon eye. She gained the right by vigorously moving herself up in the ranks of the Samurai, training every day to become the strongest she could ever be. There are times that she will paint on other designs onto her fine skin, but unless not given the chance too she would never leave her threshold without her marking. And sooner or later, it was permanently painted on, as a life lone tattoo. Which she now paints around for certain occasions.



"My blades are my wings, my feet are what makes me dance, and my hair is the fan I will use to seduce you. Come, listen to my song, and watch my dance so I may slowly, and surely drain you of your ever lasting soul."


When Hase-Hime was young, her mother had always told her that respect, and honor is what their family were always given, so that it had to be repaid back ten times fold. And that's the way she held herself as till 16 years of age. Respectful, even when nondeserved. Gave honor to those who were wrongfully gifted as such, and never passed on an ill response, or attitude. She was the most cherished princess in her kingdom. Smart, skillful in the arts of poetry, and verse. And was quite the musician. Infact, she was so good at these three things, people would use her words, and music as prayer.

Grown in age, as a young woman. Her aura has changed immensely, still being highly respective. But never will she allow someone to shame her name, or the Emperor and family name. She's very dauntless, and courageous. Holding a high fighting spirit and a spunky, yet quiet attitude around her now. Her temper has grown, along with her willful drive and is much more outspoken than any age she has lived. Despite her newly gained air of herself, she is still the hardworking, well respected princess she was raised, never raising her voice at those who were above her. And never will she ever shame those who wrongfully deserve it.

- Lιĸeѕ -

:cherry_blossom: Poetry at its finest

:cherry_blossom: Creating new Verses

:cherry_blossom: Reading

:cherry_blossom: Playing the Harp

:cherry_blossom: Dancing

:cherry_blossom: Sparring

:cherry_blossom: Detfending her family name

:cherry_blossom: Swordsman ship

:cherry_blossom: Weaving

:cherry_blossom: Children and the Elderly

:cherry_blossom: Her savior, the Emperor

:cherry_blossom: Respect

- Dιѕlιĸeѕ -

:cherry_blossom: Murder

:cherry_blossom: Disrespect

:cherry_blossom: Thiefs

:cherry_blossom: Tuna

:cherry_blossom: Undesired bloodshed

:cherry_blossom: Running from a fight

:cherry_blossom: Chocolate

:cherry_blossom: Tyranny

:cherry_blossom: The one who stole her country

- Hoввιeѕ -

:cherry_blossom: Practicing her fighting skills

:cherry_blossom: Discovering new places

:cherry_blossom: Sailing

:cherry_blossom: Creating new poetry

:cherry_blossom: Dancing with children

:cherry_blossom: Attending festivals

:cherry_blossom: Plotting to take back her country

:cherry_blossom: Opтιмιѕт or Peѕѕιмιѕт - Very optimistic.

:cherry_blossom: Eхтroverт or Inтroverт - Either.

:cherry_blossom: Logιcal or Eмoтιonal - Logical, though her emotions keep her drive stronger.

:cherry_blossom: Tнιnĸ вeғore acтιng or acт вeғore тнιnĸιng - Always thinking before acting.

:cherry_blossom: Meѕѕy or Neaт - Extremely Neat.

:cherry_blossom: Conғιdenт or Unѕυre - Confidence was always her strong suit.



"My passed is what keeps me driven, and you are my life long goal."


Frιendѕ - Very few, she travels with the Emperor of her country. Whom she escaped barely with their lives along with his seven secret, and highly trusted guards.

Parтner - Her blade, and first knight to the Emperor. They spar every day, for he is the one who has trained her non stop since the night they escaped.

Faмιly - Though they are not gifted by blood, she has a new view of the Emperor of her land. Seeing him as a father these days, for he has allowed her to live amongst him, train before him, teach her new things and has been there ever since.

Moтнer - Princess Murasaki Fujiwara (Presence Unknown)

Faтнer - Prince Toyonari Fujiwara (Presence Unknown)

Sιвlιng[ѕ] - None

Oтнer - The Emperor, now the only one residing as family

Sιgnιғιcanт Oтнer - None

Peт - None

Eneмιeѕ - Those who invaded, and took over her country.

Dιѕlιĸed People - The tyrant who stole hers, and the emperors lives. Along with her entire country's lives.



"The feel of my hands, tangling into those unknown colored locks of yours will be the last thing that will ever grace your body.."


Everything she has learned, trained for, is for the day she steps foot back onto the sands and soil of her homeland, Edo Nara. Though she isn't the largest in mass, nor does she look the most threatening. But her duty to herself, her land, her family, her Emperor. Is to take back her country, slay those her stand in her way. To rightfully take back the throne that has been stolen and forever bring peace to the souls that were lost that frightful night everything came crashing to peices.



"And with this blade, I will carve all the wrongs you've committed. I will dig out the sin you've emitted, and I will place your head on a stake, to prove to the gods that I am worthy enough to praise as Victor."


Many, many years ago there lived in Nara, the ancient Capital of Japan, a wise State minister, by name Prince Toyonari Fujiwara. His wife was a noble, good, and beautiful woman called Princess Murasaki (Violet). They had been married by their respective families according to Japanese custom when very young, and had lived together happily ever since. They had, however, one cause for great sorrow, for as the years went by no child was born to them. This made them very unhappy, for they both longed to see a child of their own who would grow up to gladden their old age, carry on the family name, and keep up the ancestral rites when they were dead. The Prince and his lovely wife, after long consultation and much thought, determined to make a pilgrimage to the temple of Hase-no-Kwannon (Goddess of Mercy at Hase), for they believed, according to the beautiful tradition of their religion, that the Mother of Mercy, Kwannon, comes to answer the prayers of mortals in the form that they need the most. Surely after all these years of prayer she would come to them in the form of a beloved child in answer to their special pilgrimage, for that was the greatest need of their two lives. Everything else they had that this life could give them, but it was all as nothing because the cry of their hearts was unsatisfied.

So the Prince Toyonari and his wife went to the temple of Kwannon at Hase and stayed there for a long time, both daily offering incense and praying to Kwannon, the Heavenly Mother, to grant them the desire of their whole lives. And their prayer was answered.

A daughter was born at last to the Princess Murasaki, and great was the joy of her heart. On presenting the child to her husband, they both decided to call her Hase-Hime, or the Princess of Hase, because she was the gift of the Kwannon at that place. They both reared her with great care and tenderness, and the child grew in strength and beauty.

When the little girl was five years old her mother fell dangerously ill and all the doctors and their medicines could not save her. A little before she breathed her last she called her daughter to her, and gently stroking her head, said:“Hase-Hime, do you know that your mother cannot live any longer? Though I die, you must grow up a good girl. Do your best not to give trouble to your nurse or any other of your family. Perhaps your father will marry again and some one will fill my place as your mother. If so do not grieve for me, but look upon your father’s second wife as your true mother, and be obedient and filial to both her and your father. Remember when you are grown up to be submissive to those who are your superiors, and to be kind to all those who are under you. Don’t forget this. I die with the hope that you will grow up a model woman.”

Hase-Hime listened in an attitude of respect while her mother spoke, and promised to do all that she was told. There is a proverb which says “As the soul is at three so it is at one hundred,” and so Hase-Hime grew up as her mother had wished, a good and obedient little Princess, though she was now too young to understand how great was the loss of her mother.

Many years have passed and though Hase-Hime has prospered greatly, with poetry and verse. She also obtained the beautiful skill to play the Japanese harp. The talent she had gained was so great, that the day came when the Emperor had heard of young princess's talent and summoned her to play for him during the Cherry Flower festival. Although young Hase-Hime only 16, the ranks she held with her musical instrument was praised by her many instructors, who were also the best in the country. Not having a choice of the matter she was readied by the finest tailors for her performance for the Emperor.

About a days travel by horse and carriage, they arrived just in time to set up to perform. There were many nobles, and government officials, along with the Emperor himself sitting behind silk woven sheer curtains. So they may see, but not be seen. Especially the Emperor, his curtain held shredded bamboo for to lay gaze on him was disgraceful.

Her harp set up on a center built stage, she sat onto her knees and closed her eyes. The room silent, and although there were no windows, her long black hair, done in the most royal of fashion, along with her light makeup she began to tangle her fingers along the harmonic strifs, playing a graceful, yet powerful tune. A tube so soft yet strong, even the Emperor sat straight in his wooden throne and leaned in to listen to the magical music she gave to them. The only thing that could be heard was the music her fingers kept weaving, until screams were heard. Her fingers digging to a stop, grasping onto the strings and looked back behind her in a gasp. Officers rushed towards the large closed royal doors as the officials and Nobles shifted with a nervous unease. The screams and hollers grew louder until it went silent, and then. The doors slammed open and men in black tailored armor swiftly came in. And one by one, no hesitation came to the slaughter around the room. Terrified, Hase-Hime rose to her feet, trembling in fear when a large hand grasped the back of her kimono, and she gracefully fell into a man's arms. Looking up was an elderly man, dressed in velvet and gold, and the royal crown. Her heart beating so fast as her eyes couldn't keep up with the swift escape. The Emperor himself, along with his secret guards rushed to escape, fighting off anyone who came to stop their escape. And with moments, they entered a small boat and with a hurried fashion they all took a paddle and began to flea into the sea, and were never seen again.



It has been two years, since the massacre of her homeland, and although she had no clue of the whereabouts of her father, and her palace. Her heart stayed pure with confidence that maybe one day, she'll be reunited with her homeland, and family. But it wasn't time to think like that, no. It was time to take revenge. Over the passed two years, the Emperor had Hase-Hime trained, and readied for their comeback, to take back his throne for a tyrant of disgrace had that night, taken over his entire land. And this day was it, standing at the helm of the ship they sailed on. She stood calmly, her swords sheathed at her hips, and her armor made of the finest as they sailed towards the land they had fled.

She was ready, and her hands ached for blood.
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