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Question: What does UPS stand for?
Answer: Uninterrupted Power Supply
Question: Name the four metropolitan cities of India
Answer: Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi
Question: Name the birthplace of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer: Cuttack in Odisha
Question: What is the boiling point of water?
Answer: 100 degree is the boiling point of water.
Question: Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of which state?
Answer: Gujarat
Question: Which state has taken up Sanskrit as an official language?
Answer: Uttarakhand
Question: Name the first female Indian Astronaut
Answer: Kalpana Chawla
Question: Who was the first Indian to go to space?
Answer: Rakesh Sharma
Question: Who was India’s longest serving Prime Minister?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
Question: Which is the smallest continent?
Answer: Australia
Question: Which acid is found in lemon?
Answer: Citric Acid
Question: What is India’s form of Governance?
Answer: Democracy
Question: How many states does India have?
Answer: 29
Question: Who was the first Indian Woman to climb Mount Everest?
Answer: Bachendri Pal
Question: ‘Madhubani’, a style of folk paintings, is popular in which of the following states in India?
Answer: Bihar
Question: Australia lies between which two oceans?
Answer: The Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean
Question: Which Indian woman was the first to win the Nobel Prize?
Answer: Mother Teresa
Question: Who was the inventor of the light bulb?
Answer: Thomas Edison
Question: Who is the Finance Minister of India?
Answer: Arun Jaitley
Question: What is the national game of USA?
Answer: Baseball
Question: What is the full form of NEWS?
Answer: North East West South
Question: What is the full form of AM(time related)?
Answer: Ante Meridiem and After Midday
Question: Who is the President of India?
Answer: Ram Nath Kovind
Question: Name the lightest gas
Answer: Hydrogen
Question: Who was the first Indian to have won the Nobel Prize?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
Question: Name the region that has the oldest rocks
Answer: Aravalli
Question: Name the highest mountain peak of India
Answer: Mount Kanchenjunga
Question: Entomology is the science that studies
Answer: Insect
Question: How many layers are there in Earth’s atmosphere?
Answer: 5
Question: Name the biggest planet in our solar system
Answer: Jupiter
Question: Which is the largest plateau in the world?
Answer: Tibetan Plateau
Question: which is the biggest planet in the Solar System?
Answer: Jupiter
Question: Who invented the Telephone?
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell
Question: Where is the Ajanta caves situated?
Answer: Maharashtra
Question: What is the name of India and Pakistan’s border?
Answer: Radcliffe Line
Question: What is the ratio of width to the length of National Flag of India?
Answer: 2:3
Question: Which gas commonly known as laughing gas
Answer: Nitrous oxide
Question: Gandhi Ji started the Dandi March in which year?
Answer: 1930
Question: What is the study of zodiac signs known as?
Answer: astronomy
Question: Why are the leaves of a plant so important?
Answer: They produce food for the plant through photosynthesis
Question: Who is considered the founder of the Sikh religion?
Answer: Guru Nanak
Question: Who gave the slogan Do or Die( karo ya maro)?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Question: What is the distance between Earth and Sun?
Answer: 149.6 Million km
Question: Which is the largest country in the world based on the area?
Answer: Russia
Question: What is the most spoken language in the world?
Answer: Mandarin or Chinese
Question: Which is the longest river in the world?
Answer: Nile
Question: Which is the largest bone in the human body?
Answer: Femur, also known as the thighbone
Question: Which is the first biosphere reserve in India?
Answer: Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Question: Which is the largest freshwater lake in India?
Answer: Wular Lake
Question: What is the full form of HTTP?
Answer: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Question: Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
Answer: Mars
Question: how many sides does a hexagon have?
Answer: 6
Question: Who discovered the theory of relativity or E=mc^2 ?
Answer: Albert Einstein
Question: What is the script for Hindi language?
Answer: Devanagari
Question: Who was the most sought-after social reformer after the end of Sati?
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Question: What is the name of our galaxy?
Answer: Milky Way
Question: What is the percentage of water on the floor of our planet?
Answer: 70-71 percent
Question: When is Earth Day celebrated?
Answer: April 22nd of each year
Question: Which is the longest and shortest river in India?
Answer: Brahmaputra and Tapi, respectively.
Question: Who was the first female Governor of an Indian State?
Answer: Sarojini Naidu
Question: Which planet is the coldest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Neptune
Question : If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go?
Answer:- Rajasthan
Question : If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go?
Answer:- Rajasthan
Question : In terms of area, India is which largest country of the world?
Answer:- Seventh.
Question : Kula, Kufri, Kajjair and Dalhousie are all tourists place of which state?
Answer:- Himachal Pradesh.
Question : Which countries play Ashes Test cricket series against each other?
Answer : England and Australia
Question : Unit of frequency is?
Answer : hertz or hz
Question: Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in
Answer: 1951
Question : Which country won the FIFA World cup 2018?
Answer : France
Question : The CPU and Memory are located in the computer at where?
Answer: Motherboard Unit.

Question : FTP in computer means what?
Answer: File transfer protocol.
Question :Which is hardest substance found on the Earth?
Answer: Diamond.
Question :What do you mean by ‘URL’ on Internet?
Answer: Universal Resource Locator.

Question : Name the bank name which is the Banker to the Central Government?
Answer: Reserve Bank of India.
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