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( Hard moments can make or break bones ) Story #1
When I was a young boy, I used to live in a small house that did not fit my family’s needs. I used
to walk for about 25 minutes just to get to school because my father could not provide a car for
our family. He is a really hard-working police officer that can only sleep for 2 hours a day. These
problems went on and on to the point that my mother cried a lot at night before her sleep. The
painful situation that we were in was nothing to me. In other words, it encouraged me to work
harder and harder on my studies to help my family go through these aching circumstances. Once
upon a time my father was on his daily shift, he found a lost man that needed help with his car,
and he could not hesitate to help this man. When my father finished, the man thanked my father
so much that he asked for our address so he could return the favor in any possible way. Little did
we know that this man is a huge businessman in our city. Two days after that incident, that man
did visit our small and messy house. As soon as he entered the house, he felt so sad that he was
about to cry. After that, my father told this man the whole story as well as how I go to school on
foot every day. Then that man asked me on how do I go to school while being in this laborious
situation. I simply told him I want to finish school so I could get a job and help my family with
their problems. As I finished talking, that man felt so emotional that he came to me and told “I
have never seen such a brave and inspiring person. You are the true definition of perseverance. I
am truly proud of you son”. Finally, he told my father that he was looking for employees for his
new company, and he finally found the suitable person for this job, and that is my father because
he was able to balance between his job and raising me. At that specific moment, everyone inside
our house got so happy and we started jumping around and crying in happiness. After that
incident, I learned that anything in life can happen if you put all of your effort in your work or
studies. These incidents could be the main reason that give people a motive to work and perform
well on their studies. As a common practice, a large number of people believe that being at the
lowest point of your life is the absolute end of your career. Furthermore, they would consider
suicide as the proper solution to solve these problems that they are experiencing. However, this
is the complete worst result that they could think about due to many reasons. Primarily, losing
everything in your life is not the end of the world, but it is a new point to start a career
from. In addition, it is a huge motivation that will push you for a fresh start of your life.
A large amount of people would look at it as if you are repeating yourself.In reality, this is
the complete opposite. It is much beneficial as it will help you avoid and learn from the mistakes
you made before. It will give you a lot of confidence and enthusiasm to the point that you would
want to do everything at once and you it will help you believe that there is still hope in life no
matter what you did before. What happens to you in the future will not determine who you are and what
you are desired for. What happened to me in the past was just a simple example of how things can change
due to hard work and believe.
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Regards; Team

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